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Xenomorph spikes

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MemberTrilobiteMar-17-2017 6:04 PM

It has been said that the spikes or tubes on the xeno back are used to tear through the victim to be birthed- at least for the Deacon. They aren't seen on the chestburster but they are on the grown xeno. Thoughts?


30 Replies

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2017 6:07 PM

The tubes on the original adult  xeno are for breathing, I've read that from a few different sources over the years


MemberDeaconMar-17-2017 6:43 PM

We would have to wonder how does the Chest Buster Breath, and Deacon if that was the case...

Not saying its not the case, we have heard many theories over the years which include this is where they secret the Material to Make the Hives and Cocoon Hosts...

I really do hope we get a explanation for their purpose down the line, in the mean time its fun to speculate and indeed the closest we have to these as far as Organisms on Earth would point to some kind of Respiratory aid.  For example like  Spiracles

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphMar-17-2017 7:10 PM

The tubes - design wise - are to break up the human shape to make it look less like a man in a suit.  Giger didn't like them, hence the absence from the Alien3 designs.

As for what they're for - they've never been given a defined purpose.  The 'breathing' thing is a popular myth.


MemberPraetorianMar-17-2017 11:45 PM

I've been wondering this for years(nearly 27 lol)I don't know their exact purpose.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphMar-17-2017 11:51 PM

I hadn't heard the breathing theory, the only theory id heard of was they use them to excrete the resin to construct the hive and cocoons, which makes sense. when we see the first signs of a xeno it is usually a gooey substance on the floor that most dip their fingers in. now, im assuming this is drool. if the xeno used the drool from their mouth as the substance for the hive etc, it would stand to reason it wouldn't be gooey when the humans come across it, as the substance would need to harden pretty quickly to cocoon a human.


MemberXenomorphMar-18-2017 1:04 AM

Resin spinarets is another popular but ultimately unsubstantiated theory (one that I quite like until you hit a wall called Alien 3)..


MemberPraetorianMar-18-2017 1:08 AM

Indeed S.M. Could they possibly be related to the creation of a hive and cocooning?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphMar-18-2017 1:18 AM

think that's the theory I mentioned


MemberPraetorianMar-18-2017 1:20 AM

Oh,sorry S.M. I should have read a little closer 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphMar-18-2017 1:26 AM

I believe one of the unproduced alien3 scripts depicted this theory and if in not mistaken, it may have appeared in comics aswell?


MemberOvomorphMar-18-2017 2:51 AM

We need a movie with a Xeno autopsy ;)


MemberDeaconMar-18-2017 2:59 AM

"As for what they're for - they've never been given a defined purpose.  The 'breathing' thing is a popular myth."

Indeed i think as you mentioned to both those theories.. they do conflict as far as Alien 3 goes..  which leads to two problems.

1) If they are for breathing then why does the Alien 3 Organism lack them.... why should the Runner be much different Biologically?

The only conclusion would be some how the Runner having Face Hugged its Victim on a World/Prison that has a inhabitable atmosphere does not need those breathing Tubes.

2) The Resin idea... again we have to wonder what is the purpose of the Runner, i assume the Franchise was all about showing these Organisms had a prime reason for its survival and this was procreation....   we have to ask what purpose does a Drone from Alien have regarding how it would connect to the differences in Aliens...  surely it is some kind of Scout but what the point if there is nothing to Scout back to... its not going to get back to other Eggs and say "right guys i found a perfect set of Hosts to build a colony"

It had to play a more direct role, and purpose for why it had those Pipes/Spiracles and so we again have to ask why does the Alien 3 Runner not have them...... does this mean the Runner in no way can set up a Hive, Create those Resin like Structures and Cocoons? or even Egg Morph?

We have to REMEMBER the Queen also lacks any Pipes/Spiracles so a logical explanation is they are aquired by a Human Host... but then we have to wonder where did a Queen come from? 

Because Again Alien 3 shows us a Queen Embryo Gestates in a Human Host (or other Host) If it was not for Alien 3 then we could safely speculate that a Queen is created by some other means that is not via Face Hugger or indeed not from the Eggs on the Derelict... but alas....

I Wander if the 10 page Rule book on the Xenomorph etc, will explain the use of those Pipes/Spiracles and another thing to remember is what if Fox/Ridley decide that Blomkamps idea to remake a alternative sequel to Aliens is a good idea?

They could make another movie that replaces Alien 3 and Alien R to get away from those inconsistencies or explain them...  but this would be speculation at the moment.

But i do think a Alien 5 will happen 100% for sure, i cant say it will be Blomkamps but it could use some of his ideas, and certainly we would see a movie that in the Time-frame is set after Aliens.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteMar-18-2017 3:42 AM

@ S.M., Giger had nothing to do with the design for the Alien in Alien 3, as ADI developed their designs for the Bambi and Runner Alien without his input, even going so far to ignore any and all of Giger's suggestions. Though ironically Giger did create separately a similar design with the Cougar Alien. Also as depicted in Necronomicon IV, the dorsal tubes were Giger's idea...

However, you do bring up a good point that Alien 3 does upset the two leading theories for the Aliens 4 dorsal tubes. Personally, I have always believed that the Aliens breathe and secrete their resin from their mouths.

A possible use for the tubes could be temperature control, with most breeds needing to vent body heat due to the lack of pores from possessing and exoskeleton. With the Runner Alien being much more fleshier than its precursors, it may have genetically acquired pores, bypassing the need for the dorsal tubes.

But remember that most Alien breeds also possess a fifth dorsal appendage, located just behind the head on the creatures spine, above the dorsal tubes. This dorsal "fin" could be used for anything.


MemberNeomorphMar-18-2017 3:56 AM

the bio mechanical structure of the sprinter should be the same regardless of host no? whether its bipedal or a quadruped and over all shape of the xeno r traits taken from the host but id assume the over all organic/ bio mechanical structure of the creature should remain the same as the face hugger is the same type that spawned the bio mechanical xeno in aliens

Phallic Jaw

MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 4:54 AM

The tubes mean nothing.  Just a drawing by Giger, pre-Alien. With the greatest respect some people think too much.

As for the Deacon - although I need to see the movie again (although I have seen it so many times that I SHOULD know this lol) - I thought it used it's pointed head to tear through the Engineer, and not spikes on its back which I don't recall it having.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.  I watched Androids blow and finger each other's flutes.

Grinning & Dropping Linen

MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 7:32 AM

Yes you are correct, The Deacon tore out of  victim body with pointy head and has no back venting. If they aren't for respiration I like the idea above that they are for temp control due to the exo skeleton , that makes sense as well as the possibility of respiration, biologically speaking


MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 9:11 AM

Big Dave! The Queen have tubes/spikes, they are just different. 

             "Bees have hives, man " 


              "Bees have hives, man" 


MemberPraetorianMar-18-2017 9:52 AM

The Chestburster breathes through little 'gills', which you can clearly see in action as it looks around at the crew.

The multifunction tubes and spikes could also be for balance, the MORB's elongated cranium would cause difficulty in remaining upright were it not for the tubes, plus the tail?


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerMar-18-2017 12:29 PM

I always thought they were possibly a throw back to earlier DNA - in that perhaps a creature used along the way had defensive spikes on its back that became what we see in ALIEN.

Phallic Jaw Yes, you're right but the fun is in speculating, surely? :) 

I find it interesting now because to make this whole thing work and back into ALIEN, little details like this are probably going to need to be explained; especially if we see David create or recreate the Xeno (God, I hope it's the latter).


MemberChestbursterMar-18-2017 1:01 PM

Giger designed the tubes AND neck spike. They belong there. It IS part of the original Xeno. What they're for? Who knows?

ANY Alien movie depicting a "classic" Xeno without said tubes and spike is an abomination and one that I do not consider "canon", and neither would RS or Giger, the HORRIFIC CGI apparently birthed by a kindergartner graphic design student in Alien 3 notwithstanding.


MemberXenomorphMar-18-2017 1:37 PM

"@ S.M., Giger had nothing to do with the design for the Alien in Alien 3, as ADI developed their designs for the Bambi and Runner Alien without his input, even going so far to ignore any and all of Giger's suggestions. Though ironically Giger did create separately a similar design with the Cougar Alien. Also as depicted in Necronomicon IV, the dorsal tubes were Giger's idea..."

The tubes were included at Ridley's insistence. Giger was doing designs for the film without them. Necronom IV was merely the starting point.

As for Alien3 - he was contracted to provide designs for the film, which he did, which look a lot like what ended up on screen and was ultimately credited as such - despite ADI providing final design and execution.


MemberDeaconMar-18-2017 2:17 PM

Some interesting ideas and explanations here...

But i guess as Phallic Jaw mentions they are ultimately part of the Aesthetic HR Giger design which we have seen similar appendages in other pieces of art and only HR Giger would know if they was just a design Aesthetic or if he visioned they had any purpose.

It would be interesting if we are shown what their purpose is down the line even if its a Alien Anatomy Book released at some point in the future, but its fun to speculate their purposes.


Indeed the Queen has spikes but it does not have the Tubes and so if they was to have a purpose i dont think they have the same purpose.

I would think the Queens Spikes are for attaching to a surface to help provide support while the Queen has her Egg Sack or some purpose to counter balance her for this purpose.

Some other theories are these could have been Wings or could change to Wings..


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphMar-18-2017 8:00 PM

"Giger designed the tubes AND neck spike. They belong there. It IS part of the original Xeno. What they're for? Who knows?

ANY Alien movie depicting a "classic" Xeno without said tubes and spike is an abomination and one that I do not consider "canon", and neither would RS or Giger, the HORRIFIC CGI apparently birthed by a kindergartner graphic design student in Alien 3 notwithstanding."

Not following the logic.  The Alien 3 creature was apparently "birthed by a kindergartner graphic design student" (which is a new one since it's generally either a dog or ox), yet it's much the same as the creature Giger ultimately designed.

So Giger's design is at a level of a kindergartner graphic design student?

And the Alien wasn't CGI.



MemberTrilobiteMar-18-2017 9:59 PM

S.M.'s right the scenes in Alien 3 which are commonly misinterpreted as CGI were in actuality created using Rod Puppetry (same technique was used to create the Deacon in Prometheus) and Blue Screen, and unlike most movies in which a second unit director is usually in charge of such visual effect shots, these scenes were directed by David Fincher himself.

The scenes in question are the Aliens original birth from an Ox, the infamous scene depicted on most posters and DVD covers, and finally when the creature is running around the corridors of the Furnace towards the movie's end. The movement and speed of the creature in these shots are unnervingly alien and a welcome addition to the franchise and IMO should have been used throughout the movie, but unfortunately, Tom Woodruff Jr. insisted on suiting up for the other scenes - almost creating the impression that there are two Aliens in the movie. 



MemberXenomorphMar-19-2017 1:08 AM

The ox birth burster was going to be a live action puppet before it was dropped and ended up as CG on the restored Assembly.

The puppet suffered from dodgy compositing and wouldn't have worked for close ups.


MemberTrilobiteMar-19-2017 1:51 AM

A larger scale live action rod puppet would have been more than suitable for the close ups, as James Cameron proved in Aliens with the Queen.


MemberXenomorphMar-19-2017 2:02 AM

The Queen was a combination of effects - one of which was guys in a suit like Woodruff. I don't believe any were rod puppetry.


MemberTrilobiteMar-19-2017 3:04 AM

The Queen Alien was suspended from a crane with two suit actors portraying the Queens for arms, and extra technicians off camera operating the feet via rods and the mouth via animatronics. A similar, though simpler technique could have been used to realize the Runner alien in the mid to close up shots for Alien 3, but because of the film's many production woes and Woodruff's insistence to don the suit, it is no surprise that this never happened.


MemberFacehuggerMar-19-2017 6:48 AM

There was actually a Alien queen puppet in Aliens. The fightscene between Ripley and the Queen in the cargobay was shot extensively with puppets/models.



          " Bees have hives, man " 

              "Bees have hives, man" 


MemberXenomorphMar-19-2017 12:29 PM

"A similar, though simpler technique could have been used to realize the Runner alien in the mid to close up shots for Alien 3, but because of the film's many production woes and Woodruff's insistence to don the suit, it is no surprise that this never happened."

It's nothing to do with production woes; it's what was planned from the outset.  A puppet might've worked for close ups, but since you never see the full scale Alien below the chest, you'd have to wonder what's the point?  It doesn't make much sense economically to make a puppet where you have to construct animatronic arms and hands when you can have someone n a suit to achieve the same affect.

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