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Is there an Alien: Covenant sequel (or prequel) this fall?
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MemberPraetorianFeb-23-2017 3:14 PM

In June 2016 there were many media reports of Noomi Rapace in Australia filming for Alien: Covenant. Ridley Scott said she wasn't in the Prometheus sequel. The full cast photo was released yesterday and Noomi Rapace isn't in it. Alan Dean Foster is writing both the Alien: Covenant and Alien: Covenant sequel novels. The 1st Alien: Covenant novel is out just after the movie releases in May 2017. The 2nd Alien: Covenant novel comes out in October 2017.

Did Ridley Scott film both sequels to Prometheus last year?

Is the 2nd sequel to Prometheus coming out this Fall? 

Ridley Scott can both keep a secret and I'm sure convince those around him that they will be boiled in oil if they let the word out.
48 Replies


MemberPraetorianFeb-27-2017 2:41 PM

Hey S.M, that's actually a good point. Didn't see Guy Pierce (assuming we're sure that is Pierce in the white room in the trailer) in the full cast photo.


MemberPraetorianFeb-27-2017 3:06 PM

In answer to S.M's very valid point, I believe the Alien: Covenant trailer released on December 25, 2016 had sequences to both Alien: Covenant and the Alien: Covenant sequel movie that will be released September 2017.


MemberXenomorphFeb-27-2017 3:29 PM

Why wouldn't they be advertising it?

I don't think it's possible to shoot back to back films these days without it leaking.


MemberDeaconFeb-27-2017 3:43 PM

I think i mentioned this....

But maybe yes we could see back to back movies close together i think its very possible, how close who knows... here are a few things to consider....

*Ridley is nearly 80... he had no real input on how Alien Evolved to Aliens and Alien 3 and so forth... but returning to the Franchise gives him a chance to tackle TWO things that was never covered.

i) Who was the Space Jockey (include his purpose and Agenda and what was his Race and why that Cargo)

ii) The Xenomorph Origin and how it connects to the Space Jockey and the above point.

Ridley would want to have his Stamp on how these are answered and i would think he would rather do this sooner rather than latter or at least get his IDEAS down for Fox to follow.

*When working with Spaights... they had a vision back then that would need TWO movies to cover the Alien Prequel. This evolved further after Lindeloff because they toned down some parts.  But indeed it looked like a Prometheus Sequel would indeed have to be part of a Trilogy 

However....  WITH some fans not pleased how they was trying to steer away from Alien and bring the Engineers more into it, Ridley and Fox may indeed have felt they will have to eventually Answer the Space Jockey and so we could now need TWO Sequels to Prometheus and a 3rd movie that Ties everything up to Alien.

*Alien 5 is on Hold... Ridley Scott has become Producer to that movie, which says he wants to have a influence on the vision and direction for the Franchise.. but Alien 5 is on Hold indefinably.....  This could support the possibility that they want to get the Alien Prequels Finished First and as soon as...

*Blade Runner sequel   again Ridley Scott will not be directing this movie, but he would be in part a Producer which shows he is committed to the Alien Prequels and Ridley is getting Old and for him to pass by being involved in Blade Runner Sequel which i think they could have pushed back to make room for Ridley to Direct.. could be a sign again that Ridley has this ALIEN PREQUEL Story that he wants to see through to completion and leave as HIS LEGACY

so yes i think we would see a Alien Covenant Sequel down the line and i doubt we would have to wait the Average 5 years between each movie in the Franchise.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianMar-01-2017 5:31 AM

I still say that they will release an Alien: Covenant sequel in September 2017. I believe the Guy Pierce and living Dr. Shaw sequences will be in the Alien: Covenant sequel. 

Also, here is a close up of a portion of the Engineer temple structure.


MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 2:47 PM

Is that a stone or golden structure on the temple shown in the background of the image above?


MemberPraetorianMar-12-2017 10:24 AM

They showed another 20 minutes of Alien: Covenant coming out in May 2017 to the media and there is still no mention of Dr. Shaw.

Did Ridley Scott film both Alien: Covenant movies (based on 2 Alan Dean Foster novels) in 2016?

Ridley Scott alluded to a sequel to Alien: Covenant and a short timeline to get to it in a recent article but was vague on what "next year" he meant in 2016.


MemberPraetorianMar-17-2017 10:53 AM

A very shortsighted myself should have included "prequel" (corrected) in the title of this topic.

Thank you Chris for posting this in latest news.

"Alien: Awakening is supposedly the title of the next film in the Prometheus series, taking place between Prometheusand Alien: Covenant. Will this film truly explain what happens to Shaw? Will we see David and Shaw having taken a trip to other distant worlds before landing on Paradise?"

I've worked myself into a frenzy with just this paragraph and now need to get back to my research.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerMar-17-2017 11:45 AM

The suspense is killing me!

The trick is, William Potter, not minding that it hurts!


MemberPraetorianMar-17-2017 11:48 AM

I know Cerulean Blue. Chris should hold back a little on major updates so I can sleep tonight. Nah, I can sleep (and repair relationships) after the movie comes out.


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 8:09 AM

The novelization for the Alien: Covenant sequel due out in September 2017 underwent a name change on from a "sequel" to a "prequel".

Dr. Shaw is not mentioned in any of the trailer coverage. Ridley Scott mentioned that the prequel movie was called Alien: Awakening and that is most likely the name of the novelization coming out in September. 

I still believe that Ridley Scott filmed both Alien: Covenant and Alien: Awakening at the same time last year and we may have both films coming out this year (please happen).

Has anyone read anywhere that Dr. Shaw was seen at all in the released Alien: Covenant footage?


MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 9:10 AM

I really hope that You are right! It would  be so awesome to have two Alien movies in one Year!!

              "Bees have hives, man" 


MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 11:03 PM

Still no sign of Dr. Shaw in the three TV trailers released today for Alien: Covenant. Just saying.


MemberPraetorianMay-04-2017 9:22 AM

I would like to update my theory on a sequel/prequel to Alien: Covenant movie releasing this Fall, 2017, based on statements from Ridley Scott, production crew, actors telling Ridley Scott to hush because he is giving too many secrets away, clues from images, Alan Dean Foster novelizations and movie timing, and more quotes from Ridley Scott.

Images I believe to be from Alien: Covenant are as follows:

Images I believe to be from Alien: Awakening are as follows:

So, my point, as far as spoilers go there is still quite a bit of story to tell with the content released in promotional trailers and viral material.


MemberPraetorianMay-06-2017 6:09 AM

Hi Chris. What a wonderful time you must have had to go to "a" premiere for a movie. To go to Alien: Covenant's movie premiere, well, I can't imagine. The invitation was well deserved, great work.

Was I correct on any predictions in the images above in regards to Alien: Covenant and Alien: Awakening?


AdminEngineerMay-06-2017 6:58 AM

Thank you! I can't comment yet but I'm literally waiting to be called to interview Scott himself and I will be focusing heavily on Awakening. So hopefully we shall see. ;) 

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberPraetorianMay-06-2017 7:03 AM

Thank you Chris.

In case you have time, please ask why the Prometheus didn't hear the ancient signal in 2093 the Nostomo picked up in 2122 from LV-426. David 8 was listening on the way to LV-223.


MemberOvomorphSep-24-2020 3:28 AM


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