Alien Movie Universe

Bringing the eggs home

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MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 2:29 PM

WY could probably easily get its specimen by simply sending an all synthetic crew, yes?

49 Replies


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 2:39 PM

uh oh.....i think SOMEBODY just might have ruined EVERYTHING


MemberNeomorphJan-26-2017 2:39 PM

iv often wondered if, in a situation where a xeno enters a room and theres a human and a synthetic, if the synthetic stayed still, would the xeno even know its there? on ur question tho, I don't suppose the hugger would know a host was close as no heartbeat, neurological thoughts or scent to go off of but surely the simple motion of the egg being disturbed would wake it?


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 2:45 PM


That is sort of the point. A synthetic crew could get the eggs without activating and bring them to a rear WY lab no muss no fuss. WY could then get "volunteers" to participate in "research". Then they could cook up any story to explain the volunteers' deaths.


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 2:47 PM

its a plot hole. a big one


MemberNeomorphJan-26-2017 2:51 PM

well where the eggs r concerned im sure in the original alien a bunch of synthetics could make off with them fine. in a hive situation maybe different story if the xenos can sense the eggs moving and the use sound to hunt down the synthetics,maybe?


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 3:05 PM

The hive could be a problem but they would have no problem going o the Derelict and grabbing all their ship could carry.


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 3:13 PM

I never thought about this. It's a good question. The androids in the franchise are more than capable of completing such an operation. I think perhaps we might have to chalk this up to making the movie work.

It's also possible Ridley hadn't thought so far ahead as to anticipate that subsequent films would make androids so common place nor could he have anticipated the larger plot that would provide a context for that question.

Isn't it the case that he never even imagined a sequel until he heard Fox was doing it and had selected someone else in his stead?


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 3:16 PM


Indeed. I bet RS had no idea things would be like this back in the 70s when Alien was being made. I think he was more worried about doing a good movie and watching the budget.


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 3:28 PM

......also no special orders, atmosphere, wages and shares to worry about heh heh.


MemberNeomorphJan-26-2017 3:31 PM

he got fox to double theyr budget so he could make it the best he could which says to me he wants things done the right way and screw the money mens penny pinching. I think it is true he never thought it would go farther than his movie. Cameron was chosen because of terminator and I think ridley didn't want to stick to one genre, at the time. he has stated this is now a regret on his part. from what I have heard he has gone into this with so many ideas he knew hed need multiple films to get it all down but was always of the agreement with fox he had full control over which direction the movies took, which is why he was producing alien5, i think he wanted an input in that aswell so he didn't have the same regrets.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 3:34 PM

Where is the Company going to send these synthetics to get the eggs?


MemberNeomorphJan-26-2017 3:35 PM

possible the eggs under/ inside the derelict may have survived?


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 3:37 PM

i read on this forum that movie is getting the boot. good riddance say i. alien 3 was a gem. how dare anyone try to subtract from its sheer glory


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 3:42 PM

What movie?

"possible the eggs under/ inside the derelict may have survived?"

Based on Resurrection it would seem not.


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 3:48 PM

SM- I should have clarified they would be sent to LV 426 pre Aliens.

I think Id was talking about Alien 5 getting the boot- I had a thread on that but it disappeared.


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 3:55 PM

Maybe Ash was sent to witness and evaluate the effect of the facehugger+human host.

The expendable crew are specimens, bringing eggs home could prove too dangerous and easily get out of control maybe. 

Things tend to get out of control when facehuggers crawl around.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 3:58 PM

Who knew the Aliens were on LV-426 pre-Aliens apart from Ripley?


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 4:30 PM


Valid point. I'll take it a step further and say this.

The primary directive that Ripley discovers indicates only that Ash is to return specimen at all costs and that all other directives are lower priority. That said, there could have been a second priority directive that Ripley never discovered which (similar to what you proposed) orders Ash to use the situation as an experiment for the sake of gathering additional data.

Doing so would give the company the opportunity to review the potential of the creature before it returns. Such an analysis would allow them to adequately prepare for it's arrival. This would perhaps answer questions like "are we prepping for spores or a facehugger. Do we prepare for a xenomorph or a neomorph?" 

Of course, gathering this information would be secondary to retrieving the specimen so that if the analysis threatened the chances of bringing it back, Ash would take the required actions to ensure it's return. Even if it meant killing the crew.


Alien 3 had some real problems. It certainly did some things right but there were also glaring flaws. For starters we have the opening scene which made no sense to the viewers. You had to wait years for the internet to mature to learn that all the answers were written down but done away with before filming. Second, the xeno was cgi in a few scenes and it looked ridiculous. Then there was a scene or two where the audio track was damaged and production did a shoddy job at replacing it. David Fincher has done some fantastic films but as Cameron said when discussing Alien 3:

"I mean look, [David] Fincher's a friend of mine, and David is an amazing, amazing filmmaker, unquestionably. That was kind of his first big gig, and he was getting vectored around by the studio, and he dropped into the production late and they had a horrible script and they were rewriting it on the fly, and it was just a mess."


The concept of the Blomkamp project which many were anticipating (and one that was likely) was that he would have framed Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection as Ripley's cryo-dreams/nightmares. As others have suggested this would have made the feel of both films make more sense.

I read that someone recently asked what the chances are of the film getting made and Blomkamp indicated that it's not looking good. This doesn't mean it won't happen. Unless I'm mistaken, I believe Prometheus also looked like it wasn't going to happen several times throughout the years before it finally came to fruition.


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 4:56 PM

"That said, there could have been a second priority directive that Ripley never discovered which (similar to what you proposed) orders Ash to use the situation as an experiment for the sake of gathering additional data."

The special order wants it brought home for "analysis".

"Second, the xeno was cgi in a few scenes and it looked ridiculous."

The only CG Alien in Alien3 is in the Assembly Cut.  There's no CG Alien in the theatrical version.

"Then there was a scene or two where the audio track was damaged and production did a shoddy job at replacing it."

There are no issues with the audio on the theatrical version. I believe you're thinking about assembly version, which was largely corrected via ADR for the blu-ray release.


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 5:00 PM

ha! OK Queen. say what you want about alien 3. it was just as good as the second one. lock stock and whatever the hell the end of that phrase is. and the new movie should be canceled. ripley is too old. it would be like trying to fit a pitbulls paw into a baby shoe


MemberPraetorianJan-26-2017 5:01 PM

Honestly i think the company would suffer way less xeno outbreaks if they let androids handle things.In the ps3 Avp  Weyland Yutani has set up an outpost to study the xenomorph.At some point in time the xenomorph  break out.Now In the game there are android soldiers and it even turns out Mr. Weyland is an android too.Now if there were considerably more androids about than i think the risk factor would be lower.Obviously human are still required for the facehuggers,but a smaller amount for xenomorph population control.Only test subjects no civilians or scientists.Let the androids operate everything.Pretty much zero chance of xenomorph infestation.It would be a controlled alien environment.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 5:09 PM


Maybe you haven't seen Paul. Weaver could still pull off Ripley if written well.


MemberPraetorianJan-26-2017 5:16 PM

Sigourney Weaver is still bad@$$.Age shouldn't stop anybody.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 5:30 PM


"The special order wants it brought home for "analysis"."
Yes I am aware. I was more suggesting Ash analyzing the kind of situation that will be brought back. Not analyzing the creature's potential as an asset (which I believe is what was meant by the word in the primary directive.)

Assuming the company is already informed on the potential variety of organisms from the Prometheus expedition and perhaps the Covenant incident (as well as anything else that will be encountered from the prequel films up to Alien) it would be smart to assemble an appropriately equipped welcoming party based on whatever Ash would be able to observe and report ahead of arrival.

Really I'm just looking to extrapolate more of the company's rational for sending humans with one android instead of a crew of androids. This is also based on the idea that the company replaced the Science Officer with Ash because they fully intended for the Nostromo to investigate LV-426 before they had even left.

In regards to your comments on what I said about Alien 3, that makes a lot of sense. I watched the theatrical version when I was younger but the last few times it was the assembly cut. It's funny because in my more recent viewings I recall feeling like I didn't remember some of the problems I just mentioned. Thanks for the info



fit a pitbulls paw into a baby shoe?


MemberXenomorphJan-26-2017 5:45 PM

"Really I'm just looking to extrapolate more of the company's rational for sending humans with one android instead of a crew of androids. This is also based on the idea that the company replaced the Science Officer with Ash because they fully intended for the Nostromo to investigate LV-426 before they had even left."

They sent humans on their way home from another flight because they didn't know what to expect.  If something turned up, the android was to secure it. If not, they saved the cost of mounting a dedicated expedition.

"In regards to your comments on what I said about Alien 3, that makes a lot of sense. I watched the theatrical version when I was younger but the last few times it was the assembly cut. It's funny because in my more recent viewings I recall feeling like I didn't remember some of the problems I just mentioned. Thanks for the info"

No worries.


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 5:47 PM

I thought the reason why they couldn't send an all synthetic crew was because the eggs wouldn't get through the "customs" of the alienverse so they needed to impregnate someone with an alien and then put them in hypersleep.


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 5:59 PM

Weaver could easily pull off Ripley again considering how Harrison Ford could do Indiana when he was practically a dinosaur.

The problem is rather where to fit her without making it look forced or fan pleasing.




MemberTrilobiteJan-26-2017 6:05 PM


I thought that was Aliens?

The way I figure is that when Alien ended, WY could have sent an android crew prior to the terraforming mission. The Company knew about the situation at that point.


MemberChestbursterJan-26-2017 6:05 PM


"They sent humans on their way home from another flight because they didn't know what to expect.  If something turned up, the android was to secure it. If not, they saved the cost of mounting a dedicated expedition."

Yes that is the assumption we have all operated under up to this point. Now in light of the new information we all have been given to play with, I'm entertaining alternative interpretations. Not saying any of that is canon here. That's why I included the caveat in my comment:

"...This is also based on the idea that the company replaced the Science Officer with Ash because they fully intended for the Nostromo to investigate LV-426 before they had even left."

It's of course just speculation. Yes it flies in the face of what has been traditionally assumed. But unless I'm mistaken, the traditional assumption that Ash was there as a "just in case" has never been canonically confirmed. The Weyland files (which may or may not be a reference point for Ridley) allows us to speculate in this area because they indicate that the company was aware and interested in LV-426 prior to the Nostromo mission (or the Prometheus expedition for that matter)



MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 6:10 PM

@dk Yeah it was Aliens, sorry that was misleading. I'm operating under the assumption that Weyland-Yutani had some knowledge of the aliens, since the Covenant expedition happened sometime before the original Alien.

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