MemberOvomorphMar-12-2014 7:24 PMThis is a disgrasse to the alien franchise its basically a rip off of slender but with a alien,flamethrower,laser cutter, and a tracker Ive never been a alien fan but i pity anyone who likes this game

AdminPraetorianMar-12-2014 9:01 PMChill your pants bro. The game hasn't come out yet, play it then judge. I did with Colonial Marines, and it sucked horribly, but at least I played it before complaining. Alien: Isolation is a survival horror stealth game, which is pretty much exactly the scenario of the first movie, Alien. I am sure it will be a decent game, glad the devs took the time to make something different and not a boring genric shooter.

AdminEngineerMar-12-2014 9:20 PMSeriously? Alien Isolation looks like one of the only games in the last 10 years to do the Alien franchise any justice... Not sure if your post is serious or not.

MemberFacehuggerMar-29-2014 2:51 PMHow can you say that when you haven't even played the game? Have you seen the footage and game testers reviews? They are all positive so far. Boy oh boy.

MemberOvomorphApr-01-2014 8:58 AMConsidering the track record that Sega has had with the Alien franchise, it definitely warrants caution. This is not the game I wanted, nor the kind of gameplay I wanted so I am not really that interested in it anyway. I certainly wont be preordering it, so I will wait till it is out before I make a decision as to wether or not I will buy it.

MemberOvomorphApr-13-2014 10:26 AMLast I checked, the Alien franchise began as a psychological survival horror themed franchise, with the first Alien movie.
This game is the only game that looks like it's going to do any justice the Alien franchise in any true way. As I recall, the second movie, Aliens is what most games about the Alien are based off of, and in my honest opinion, that is the largest pile of rubbish I've ever seen produced by a movie that paid lackluster attention to its predecessor. Alien 3 attempted to go back to the roots of what started the entire franchise to begin with, but wasn't able to make the cut because of the garbage production it went through. Aliens: Ressurrection was just a cut and clear reskin of Aliens, in space, but with bootleggers instead of military fodder.
So, calling this game a "a rip off of slender but with a alien" is far from right. If anything, it's a return to the roots that began the franchise, before it began to fall with its second step.
Is it just me, or does it seem like that, with the way the Xenomorphs have been treated, that Aliens might as well have been the first movie, and Alien might as well not exist?

MemberOvomorphMar-11-2023 8:29 AMVery good game. Atmosphere very faithful to the film and scary. Not a classic FPS In the sense that we are generally prey and it's more about surviving than winning...

MemberPraetorianMar-11-2023 5:15 PMIts genre is more of a stealth game then a true FPS