Alien Movie Universe

Question about ending

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MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:48 PM
So at the end Shaw and David are driving to another one of those temples where theres another alien ship. How do they know the temple is safe and it will be so easy to just take the ship? They show no sense of fear or danger even though an engineer just almost killed them. For all they know there can be another engineer in the next temple or a xeno. They show no concern. What the heck is up with that?
6 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 11:18 PM
this is [img][/img]
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MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:52 PM
Yeah there was a large gap of what 'could' have happend between the driving towards the next dome to crank up the ship to the last scene we see the ship taking off.. I asked the same. If there was an outbreak in this one dome that Prometheus was filmed in, why would there be an outbreak in that other dome miles away from each other? The ship that had the outbreak was heading towards Earth but didn't take off probably due to the outbreak killing the pilot... Why didn't the other ships just take off? Argh too many questions.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 10:59 PM
They were in a row, and not miles away from each other. David knew how to pilot them by watching the first Engineer and his buddies. And there is plenty of inferring in the ending. Shaw knew what to avoid in a second temple/ship. And it's not hard to assume she made certain no other Engineer was in cryostasis. I imagine she entered, got in the ship, David told her what buttons to push (and tune to play) and they took off. And probably without many supplies (since I also assume she would stay the hell away from the lifeboat, and Prometheus is a wreck). As for the rest, it's another movie. We'll have to wait.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 11:51 PM
long trip to who knows where, two words, " cliff bars" lots of i'm.!!!

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:01 AM
Well, if you notice the timeline. The Space Jockey dies on Dec 26th... and Shaw's message signing off, is Jan 1st, which presumably is they day they took off, so they spent a few days doing something, which probably included cautiously opening doors. Given how quick some door were to slam down in the film, Perhaps that dome had been isolated, except for the crack they came in. (because something else went OUT?)


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:56 AM
Shaw and david didnt took off immediately. after she escaped from the engineer and the Trilobite, she went back to the crashed Vessel to pick up david. Then they went to another temple and this time they are More cautious and dont enter any room With the black goo. They head straight to the Map room and make the vessel ready for take Off. I assume there were no engineers in that vessel alive. Or they just did not wake him Up ;)
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