Alien Movie Universe

Question about LV-426 warning signal

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MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 8:54 AM
Quick little question. Is there a reason for why the Prometheus did not pick up the warning signal from LV-426???? The nostromo which is a crappy mining vessel picked it up why not Prometheus? If I'm not mistaken 426 is just another moon orbiting the same planet as 223.... I just feel that this was a huge error in script writing unless weyland knew and disabled the ship from picking it up...
13 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:00 AM did not go off until after what is happening in the events of Prometheus!


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:04 AM
It has not been confirmed that LV-223 & LV-426 orbit the same planet - in fact if moon/planet designation is sequential in relation to their discovery they are probably not even in the same star system!


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:09 AM
But the derelict on 426 has been there for many many years.... Wouldn't the signal already be transmitting before the events of Prometheus? If the warning was sent by shaw wouldn't the nostrums be heading towards 223?


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:11 AM
Maybe the Magellan was sent to investigate that, there were two ships made and in the concept book and we saw a Magellan set piece...


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:14 AM
@spoony if they do not orbit the same planet that would just about sum it up! But I could have swore that they orbit the same ringed planet.... I could've just seen that on another topic which was a rumor. Just to point out when you see Prometheus arrive at the planet you distinctly see two moons orbiting the ringed giant. Although that may mean nothing...


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:21 AM
Yes but in Alien when the Nostromo arrives there are 3 moons. I don't believe its the same planet or even the same solar system - I've posted a couple of threads about it - why would it be? The derelict on LV-426 had been there for a long time - couple of thousand years. Alien & Prometheus are 2 separate films with a linked theme/story and will eventually come together but the 2 moons could be millions of light years apart.

Android Dreams

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 9:31 AM
I understand the confusion between LV-426 and the planet LV-223. You may be right that this was an error in the writing but the way that I interpreted the story telling is that the Nostromo picked up the distress message left behind by Shaw at the end of Prometheus. I was under the impression that several years have passed between the end of Prometheus and when the Nostromo intercepts the distress signal at the beginning of Alien. Enough time, for the Queen alien, that burst out of the chest of the engineer at the end of Prometheus, to lay all the eggs that are eventually encountered by Kane. And enough time for Weyland Corp to evolve the Androids to be more life like. Ash in Alien was way more "human" than David in Prometheus. I think that was by design to show how Weyland Corp was able to evolve the android's emotions and human qualities. If this is a correct interpretation, I am wondering why the Nostromo had a hard time understanding Shaw's message? Ripley says in Alien that it sounds like it is more of a warning than a distress signal. My only guess is that Mother or Weyland Corp. manipulated the Shaw message to lure the Nostromo down onto the planet.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 11:52 AM
My belief is that the events on LV-223 triggered the events on LV-426. Meaning the Engineers race sent a vessel (Juggernaut) out to investigate why a ship was reactivated on 223 after so long and triggers a whole new group of events. What those events are we'll have to wait for another sequel. Remember the Company is still on a strict mission, they would block the Nostromo from picking up a Prometheus distress signal. Also, scientists ask far too many questions which is why they switched to minors instead, and why it went from Wetland’s quest for "life" to a quest for bio-weaponry. ...Thoughts?

Corp. Hicks

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 1:07 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but, the Prometheus storyline has almost nothing to do with the spacecraft found by Nostromo in Alien. Why? Because the remains of the space jockey found by the Nostromo crew are fossilized! Which lends any person of science to believe the craft has been there for at least thousands of years. The storyline of Prometheus is supposed to take place somewhere in the ball park of 50 years before the Nostromo crew picks up the beacon and lands on LV-426. Therefore, the spacecraft on LV-426 is already crashed when the Prometheus storyline takes. Although, it is highly plausible that the spacecraft on LV-426 did come from LV-223 long ago.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 6:56 PM
Not to mention the space jockey in the first Alien film had what appeared to be a chestburster hole in his abdomen, suggesting an alien akin to what we are familiar to in the first four movies burst from inside of him mid-flight, causing the crash. This as opposed to how the Engineer in Prometheus meets his fate, after somehow surviving the crash, exiting his craft, and meandering over to the prom. lifeboat where he dies violently. Basically, not only was the space-jockey fossilized, he was there lol. There would be no Engineer seated in the ship that crash lands in Prometheus. Or maybe it was just the second "space jockey" in the first alien with the bent out bones.... either way it still holds - there was only ONE engineer up and walking in Prometheus, and he wasn't in the seat when he died.


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 3:11 PM
I wish someone had sent out a warning signal from the cinema...i might have saved £48!


MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 1:51 PM
Doesn't anyone else think it's coincidental that a Space Jockey/Engineer ship should crash in exactly the seem way on two separate planets? I really hope there is a sequel to explain all this ......


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 3:35 PM
I'm pretty sure that Prometheus is 'A' prequel, not 'THE' prequel to Alien. It's dubbed as the prequel, but the term should be seen from a writer's perspective. It's a chance to further expand on the philosophy and universe that encompasses Alien. It’s an opportunity to see the universe from another team’s eyes. A team led by someone asking the questions that we all want to know (essentially). Who created us (who is the space jockey)? And through this, we see what giant gun / telescope seat thing is from Alien, which turns out to be a navigation seat to fly the ship. Of course we’re going to see it through a similar perspective, as only the richest companies in the world are going to be able to fund such an expedition to such a faraway place (Weyland Industries). And through that similar perspective comes the things we all know and love (androids, evil corporation agendas, cool land rovers and space ships). As with the purpose of using this quest to tie in the correlation between the xenomorphs and the engineers. And to answer the fun question regarding what the space ships falling to the ground of the planet they are respectively on, in the exact same way. If an odd shaped object falls out of the sky and hits the ground, unless it lands perfectly flat, it’s going to fall and roll and wobble to the heaviest point and then settle. You can compare it to the logic of dropping a lot of horse shoes to the ground on their sides. They’ll almost never land flat and roll in an oblong manner until they fall back on their heaviest centered point.
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