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Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:48 AM
You say the Xeno has been done to death.......why not show us how it SHOULD have been done?
19 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:55 AM
He did: it was called Alien and it's thirty-five years old. Time for something fresh, eh?

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:57 AM
No damn it......i want to see where Ridley would have gone with Alien 2 had they made it. I dont want fresh.......i want to know where everyone came from and why this and that. lol I mean.....ive waited 30 years for ready for them Ridley.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 9:05 AM
The reason why the Space Jockey in Alien is so interesting is because it's mysterious. Look at the dozens of prequels over the last ten years that have pandered to fans, showing them the origins of their favourite killers, etc. All it serves to do it destroy any sense of awes regarding these characters. Instead we're being served a brand new film in the same universe. It even deals with the Space Jockey race - though, that particular fossilised dude on LV-426 should remain a question mark. Let him branch out, and create more mysteries. It's why we fell in love with Alien in the first place. ...I mean, assume it does clear it up: all we're going to have then is "Oh, that dude? Yeah, he was on his way to earth with eggs" as opposed to "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GUY DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE WITH A HOLE PUNCHED THROUGH HIS CHEST TRANSPORTING THOUSANDS OF EGGS?" I can't speak for everyone, but I don't need a cute little story detailing the Alien's origins. I'm fine with just knowing that it's a killing machine and the SJs were using them somehow. That is fascinating. As Hemingway said, writing is an iceberg.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:58 AM
No use crying over spilt milk.

David 1

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 9:05 AM
nah, let the Classic be a Classic.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 9:11 AM
If you look at Abordoli's avatar you'll find an answer. As funny as it is (and it is for sure!) there's no way to resurrect something from death by ridiculousness. Unfortunately, Giger's Alien is the Mark Hamill of monsters.
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born. Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 9:31 AM
I am happy that Ridley is addressing the SJ. I don't really mind that no one else has done it before. To me, Ridley had to do it. The SJ is his invention and no one else would have done it right.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:21 AM


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:28 AM
did they really use the term spilled is to hard to spell out


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:31 AM
"Point of order!"... The space jockey is Giger´s invention. Ridley and some of the producers fought with Fox to keep it in the movie. That and his artistic prowes as a Director is his legitimate due regarding the SJ... (And now is being reduced to a humanoid in a suit, I´ll repeat it till you puke friends. It´s a let down). :)


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:32 AM
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you...did I thank you enough yet?


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:34 AM
thus endeth the lesson, that is exactly what FOX and Rupert Murdoch are ALL ABOUT and everyone knows this deep down inside. That's was why the Eagles sang about it on the Farewell Tour for 5 Straight years at least!!! For those in the is the SUBJECT MATTER of the song...[b]"ALL SHE WANTS TO DO IS DANCE" !!![/b]


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:39 AM
Ok, the SJ is Giger's invention. I cringe in shame. Bad android.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:40 AM
you have always been "ALL Top Shelf Class" Jason8 !!!


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 10:44 AM


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 11:11 AM
Unfortunately, Giger's Alien is the Mark Hamill of monsters. [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 11:15 AM
@GetEveryone - right on - Well put and that is they say is that. After all if it gets explained then no more great places like this to ponder that question.
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MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 11:41 AM
@ Mark - I think you meant, [i]Come On Eileen,[/i] but that's okay. I won't make a big fuss.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 1:19 PM
Yes. Address the SJ race BUT, it has to include the "fossilized" big guy.
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