Alien Movie Universe

Enjoy it for me!

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David 1

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 8:00 AM
Well friends, saddly [for me, that is] I'm unable to go to a movie theatre to watch a movie since I'm agoraphobic for some time now. But I do take some joy with all the hype and fervor you guys and gals trasmit in your posts. :D Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who are anxious for this event and will miss it. It's a cultural thing, an aesthetic thing, a sort of long awaited answer for some mind boggling questions. So, if there are amidst you good folks, some who may not be able to go out and watch this movie in the proper way of a theatre [for whatever personal reasons those might be], I sympathise with you. :) As for the rest of you good folks of this forum [to both the posters as well as the invisible and casual/dedicated readers] enjoy this movie as much as you can, from the moment you buy the ticket to the moment you leave the theatre and rush to this forum to share your thoughts [with an absolute grin on your faces, as I'm convinced the case will be]. Best wishes.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]
48 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 10:59 AM
Hey David 1, Good luck to you! I hope you overcome this one day in your own way or with a way that one of they many ways that the very kind members of this great site have for you to try. I will not pretend to know what you are going threw but I do wish you the best. At the least, there are members here that can relate, and know what you are going threw. Good luck to you. You know....., after a couple of weeks of being out and at a slow time of the day for the theater, and I don't know if money is an issue (I know it is with me) see if you could rent out a small theater for yourself and sister. I know its probably not realistic but I have always wanted to do something like that. Unless I win the lotto, I don't see it happening. Take care buddy.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 12:20 PM
I had panic attacks for nearly ten years, saw a 'professional' (i was chain smoking and getting stoned a lot but had given up the weed) and he just said next time i have one, if its feasible) to sprint. His thinking was if i could see that i could run, my heart and organs must be ok, so i wasnt going to suddenly drop dead. Eventually i eould know that deeply, so when there were anxiety triggers, they wouldnt have the fear that lets out the adrenaline. Needless to say i ignored every word of his advice, and suffered on for ten years. Eventually i had put on a pile of weight from sitting in fear and decided i was going to lose it, and start running. I then noticed i was scared while running that i'd drop dead. But it never happened. or i wouldnt be writing this haha. anyway, once i could run a few miles i started to believe that it was all something silly that had somehow got in my head, running got rid of it. *-9 months after the first day i started running i managed to do 26miles. I saw the professional again, and he told me it was principally about adrenaline management. We aren't all meant to be sat indoors, looking at screens all day. we need to exercise. If that has to start indoors, cool. i'd wait for an episode and then USE the adrenaline to do as many push ups as you can, all you'll be left with is some aching muscles for a few days,and a better chest, and a sneaky feeling that you may have nothing wrong with your sanity, you just need to exercise a bit. You'll get there dood.

David 1

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 1:16 PM
Cypher: Yes it makes all the sense in the world. I even started Reiki to learn how to calm myself. As to the ability to think... the only thing i can think in those moments is to run and hide, but my legs don't move. Eventually it stops and the body aches are all what is left [and the morbid fear of going through it all again] GreatBoosUp: Hi, friend. Thank you for the reply. No offense at all, i am quite pleased. I don't know if Paxil is being sell in Portugal. At least not to my knowledge, i'm afraid. But I do take other medicines that help with the Panic attacks. Hope you are through those attacks though. They aren't a bit enjoyable. ncc1701: Hay there. I never give up. I'm too happy of a person to surrender, rest assured. ^.^
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

David 1

MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 1:34 PM
bigbirdjimmy: Hello friend. I am quite happy with all the kind replys I'm getting. It is a wounderful thing, and most probably not only for me, but to those of this Site who have [or had] the same problem that I do as well as to those invisible readers that may stumble upon this thread. Unfortunatly not only money is an issue, but the theatres are inside shopping malls. :( But I have to say I love your idea of renting a thaeatre for personal use. Hope you have that chance [I know you will]. P.S. - love your avatar. eheh XD Windood: It seems to be a general thing with agoraphobics: we get lazy and rather fat. More so because I was never a sport loving individual. But I have to say you are absolutly right regarding exercising and the hole deal of staying at home. We are indeed complex and strange creatures [the SJs would be proud]. I will take your advice very seriously and get my butt out of the chair and start doing morning runs [or late night runs]. I'm very, very greatful for your kind words and experience exchage. Um grande abraço [a big hug]
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 2:27 PM
David, I wish you the very best and for the future that you will overcome your agoraphobics some day. My brother had panic attacks and claustrophobia, he couldnt take the underground train.. But together with other therapies he now is able to manage his allday work, he only drives by car, no underground.. heads up.


AdminPraetorianMay-06-2012 2:31 PM
@David1; I just wanted to tell you that and give you a big *hug* because I do know what it's like. I suffered from a Panic disorder for years, still unable to drive because of it, but mostly have overcome the other fears. If you want details or just to talk please feel free to mail me, I am very open about this subject because I suffered so much and want people to know they can overcome it and live a normal life. I won't give you advice on what to do because everyone is different, things that worked for others just made me worse. I just want you to know, it can and will get better. :)


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 2:44 PM


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 2:53 PM
I'd start with a late night walk, but with running shoes on, and if you start to feel the anxiety etc, run. Run as fast as you can until you have to stop 9won't take long, was about 150metres for me lol). You'll notice that while your head might still feel unusual, the body isnt reinfocing it with adrenaline, as you just burnt it all off. It also takes days to replace it, and its impossible to have an anxiety attack without adrenaline. Its adrenaline that produces them (once triggered). So if its all burned of through exercise 9running or high intensity weights), you're good to go. anywhere.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 3:01 PM
I am a "shut-in" only leaving the house once a week (on average)...Wednesdays (weekly therapist visit, but while out I might engage in going to a noisy restaurant or some stores)...and only for a short time. I used to not be this way. Medicines don't help. De-sensitizing therapy doesn't help. The only thing that helps is "super-charged-internal-motivation"....(i.e. A "Quest"). I went out yesterday to the first day of my town's annual two-day festival. I got burnt to a crisp, but I was sooooo "super-charged" that I was able to overcome it and have some fun (eating street food, talking to people, being outgoing), however, my blood-pressure (there were booths to check it), when I first arrived was 229/189 (it later came down). So, David 1, I do feel for you and an agoraphobic, myself, I do understand the pain. If you PM me, I can help you out in regards to seeing the movie.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 3:25 PM
David 1 and every single person who is posting, Forever War, Cypher, et al, you guys are seriously making me wish I could meet you all in person. I was seriously considering asking anyone who lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, if they wanted to see the movie together as a group, just to trip on who was right (Big Dave) and who was wrong (Spartacus) on certain theories, (( JUST JOKING SPARTACUS!!! )). I would love to see the movie with other Alienphiles, it would probably be like Woodstock for our generation, and I have yet to meet another person in Vegas with my passion for the genre, even though I get em pretty excited about the movie. I empathize with you David 1 and you will be there in the spirit brother. If anyone wants to see the movie in Vegas, feel free to contact me at If we are not supposed to give out e-mail adresses please edit Cypher. This is a true Brother-Sisterhood, a family.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 4:16 PM
@David 1 [i]I used to go out and watch 2 or 3 movies at saturdays with an ex; get drunk at some bars and stuff like that. Then, all of a sudden, the world seems to be about to go lights-out. I beat my self as to understand what the hell is going on inside the dark corner of my brain... no luck so far [there may be a brain-huger there...], so I took another glimpse at those simple things of life and, shure enough, they do look better and more reasonable. [/i] It seems as if something may have triggered the phobia if you were able to do some things before. Im not agoraphobic, but I am scoleciphobic, which is fear of worms, so I understand your fears. I have managed to control it to the point I no longer have a panic attack when i see one, with the exception of maggots. It was hard work, but it can be done. Doesnt mean i can stare at them or get near them, but at least I dont run or squeal when I see one anymore, except maggots of course. I know what it feels when your friends try to "help" you with fears. My cousin tried once by grabbing me by the hands and putting them in rotten garbage full of maggots. That's when he realized I did have a condition. Have you tried figuring out what specifically triggered the episodes? That would be a first step in figuring out how to manage it. Dont miss the opportunity to watch this movie if you can. If you cant manage to do it, then wait for the blueray and watch it in a home theater. Also, you can try the early matinee show, not many people go to those after the second week of showing. It might help.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 9:47 PM
Nope all good karsten, but just to be safe I'd limit it to a PM, we still get spammers trolling the site and they'll lap up anything they can in regards to people's email addresses to fill your inbox with their spam-crap :-S
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 10:55 PM
We should start a thread accumulating City, States of members and try to arrange some groupings. The TC could keep the top summarized with all the post entries below. Who knows, maybe some of us can sit somewhat together, save a spot in line, etc. I'll tell you what, I'll start it as my 3rd thread here on the site and I'll keep it maintained.


MemberOvomorphMay-06-2012 11:37 PM
Cool Cypher, done! What's a PM, some kind of instant messaging? I agree abordoli!


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-07-2012 12:07 AM
Yeah karsten, click on a member's name then Send Message when the Profile page loads :-D
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphMay-07-2012 1:09 AM
@karstenphd, The thread is here: [url=][/url]


MemberOvomorphMay-07-2012 8:36 PM
Thanks Cypher, IB O IR ID O.
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