Alien Movie Universe

While Reading "Alien: The Illustrated Story I Noticed"...

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MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:08 AM
I was lucky enough lately in my torrent Hopping to obtain the complete library of every Alien Franchise Comic Book Made to Date as well as the Complete Omnibus...This afternoon as a matter of fact, and have just now started reading ALIEN for the first time...and I am loving all of the tiny tiny subtle differences Big Time, and as it reads like the Movie [b]It is a Joy to experience this way in Full Screen Mode and In full Loving Color on a Giant LCD![/b] 1st thing I stopped for aside from Parkers comment on Jonsey was the reference to a 32 second interval on the Derelict's signal...Incredible!!! The Older I Get The Longer that Interval becomes...LMAO...Here's the Pic... [img][/img]
31 Replies


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:11 AM
why, I wonder, did the comic writer change that from 12 to 32? few other changes in it, but very enjoyable and well done edit: I went and revisited Heavy Metal's archives because of this. I was always a Lampoon fan, but never got into HM when it came out


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:17 AM
Check It out! [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:19 AM
I am, I downloaded the whole archive. This is the best thing in it ;)


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:31 AM
the PDF is available on a link off google for the complete omnibus as well which is a very nice compliment


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:33 AM
They gave O'Bannon full credit as well which I Love.


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 1:54 AM
My G-d The Artwork/Illustration work done on this thing is out of this world! [b]~>Another quick snap off the cell...[/b] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:00 AM
why not screen capture it, it's all out of focus..


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:04 AM
great idea...


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:08 AM


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:09 AM
I gotcha covered: [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:09 AM
ha, you beat me! thks fo da link


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:10 AM


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:11 AM
my pleasure man....AWESOME THIS THING IS


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:15 AM
I like how the comic upsizes the Alien considerably. It's huge, the way it should be


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:16 AM
Cool I've been using that pic for my profile photo. I absolutely love this book. I got this before I watched the film when it came out, don't think my Dad knew what it was about, it gave me the courage to watch the film when it came on tv. Fore warned is fore armed. Still had to watch it through my fingers though! Ha!


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:23 AM


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:37 AM
[img][/img] [b]AND FINALLY...THE DERLEICT[/b] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:40 AM
[b]The Back Cover[/b] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 2:54 AM
i am lucky enough to own a first run copy of the physical book, i loved reading it back when i got it in the late 1980's, and to see it now in HD on my computer just re-validates watch a GREAT work of art this book is, and has been for such a long time now the artwork is great, there is a palpable sense of urgency and foreboding in each and every panel it seems, and viewing this thread made for some great and now classic pen / ink illustrated memories...


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 3:05 AM
wow another great find I just made, in Dark Horse Comics Aliens Book 2 - Part 2 Frame 107 I found this...Hicks and Newt Having Sex. [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 3:38 AM
Nice Spartscus! I still have these comics and was so disappointed in the direction the Alien franchise went after reading these, I had very high hopes after reading first 2 Dark Horse Aliens comic series. If I remember correctly this page you posted is a dream sequence, and Newt's actual boyfiend is an android with lower half of his body missing. Hmm, now I need to go through dusty comic boxes...


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 4:15 AM
I was downloading the Complete Omnibus from 1 seeder and it got to 55% then I lost him :(


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 4:22 AM
stay with it man, and I am going around the net filling in the missing issues wherever there are any and will hook everyone up when I am done.


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 4:55 AM
Will do Sparty. Just downloaded the complete Alien franchise comic collection but still stuck at 55.4% on the Complete Omnibus. I will leave it uploading as you said though. Very kind of you to fill in all the missing issues to!


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 5:17 AM
damn you Sparty, I'm currently searching for my [url=]Aliens mini comic[/url] . If I ever find it I'll be sure to share.


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 6:40 AM
Ok, that's it - I'm going to plug the OTHER ALIEN adaptation of 1979 :D How did this never get published as the official version (you [b]all[/b] ask)? I know, it's a conundrum. I mean, when MARVEL did [b]Star Wars[/b] in 1977, their team hadn't seen the movie either! Incidentally, the HEAVYMETAL version has been restored and republished in 2 hardback editions. One version is in the original Black & White. Mine's still, er... [i]better[/i] though. [url=][img][/img][/url]


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 11:27 AM
@AlienAge11 Incredible man, just incredible, thank you for that, a LOT!!! I have more of the missing filled in and a checklist I made for the entire Omnibus Aliens Omnibus: Volume 1 - Outbreak (#1-6) - Nightmare Asylum (#1-4) - Female War (#1-4) - Theory of Alien Propagation (DHP #24) - The Alien (DHP #56) Aliens Omnibus: Volume 2 - Genocide (#1-4) - Harvest (Previously Aliens: Hive #1-4) - Colonial Marines (#1-10) Aliens Omnibus: Volume 3 - Rogue (#1-4) - Sacrifice (one-shot) - Labyrinth (#1-4) - Salvation (one-shot) - Advent/Terminus (DHP #42-43) - Reapers (DHP Fifth Anniversary Special) - Horror Show (DHC #3-5) Aliens Omnibus: Volume 4 - Music of the Spears (#1-4) - Stronghold (#1-4) - Frenzy (#1-4 - Previously Aliens: Berserker) - Taste (One Shot) - Mondo Pest (one-shot) - Mondo Heat (one-shot) Aliens Omnibus: Volume 5 - Alchemy (#1-3) - Kidnapped (#1-4) - Cargo (DHC #15-16) - Survival (#1-3) - Alien (DHC #17-19) - Earth Angel (one-shot) - Incubation (DHP #101-102) - Havoc (#1-2) - Lovesick (one-shot) - Lucky (Decade of DH #3) Aliens Omnibus: Volume 6 !UPDATED! - Apocalypse - Once in a Lifetime - Xenogenesis - Headhunters - Tourist Season - Pig - Border Lines - 45 Seconds - Elder Gods - Purge - Glass Corridor - Stalker - Wraith ----------------------------------- MISSING {vol 2. is 100% complete} ----------------------------------- #6 - Elder Gods - Border Lines - Tourist Season - Headhunters - Once in a Lifetime ----------------------------------- #5 - Kidnapped (#1-4) - Cargo (DHC #15-16) - Alien (DHC #17-19) - Incubation (DHP #101-102) ----------------------------------- #4 - Taste (One Shot) ----------------------------------- #3 - Salvation (one-shot) - Advent/Terminus (DHP #42-43) - Reapers (DHP Fifth Anniversary Special) - Horror Show (DHC #3-5) ----------------------------------- #1 - Outbreak (#1-6) - Nightmare Asylum (#1-4) - Female War (#1-4) - Theory of Alien Propagation (DHP #24) - The Alien (DHP #56)


MemberOvomorphApr-08-2012 6:38 PM
Thanks Spartacus. Maybe I'll see you in the comments section of the pages or on the facebook fan page?

Giger's Dream

MemberOvomorphApr-09-2012 11:49 AM
I own the original Heavy Metal's falling apart from reading it so much...I remember just staring at it in the drug store and reading it transfixed...I was 9 or 10 and that was the start of my passion for this movie! Next I found the Illustrated story with the frame by frame photos. Looking at the artwork again after so long of the Alien attacking Brett...has anyone ever seen the full death scene for Brett? The Alien is hanging in the chains above him like a spider in a crucifix pose before it decends on him...then it moves really slowly towards him and you see Brett try to scream but he can't form the sounds...and you see the Alien pull him up just as Ripley and Parker come running in and are showered in his blood....I always was haunted by Brett's scream after seeing the movie for the first time...more so than the chestburster for some reason it just seemed so real..........


MemberOvomorphApr-09-2012 12:03 PM
I just saw it recently and I loved it !!! Been reading them all again and am up to the middle of the 2nd file for alien 3
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