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I will cheer empathaictly if such a scene appears in this film. It's intense and deserves respect.... I'm sick of skinny TWIGS like Megan Fox showing their boobies. I dont give a sweet SHAT!.. i want intesnity in a SCI-FI horror film. Sir Ridely Scott will feed me my much needed mediaction with such a scene, time too punish the WOMEN, who have sinned or are not PURE.......... TAKE THE PAIN!
66 Replies


Alrighty then....... Here's your sign.


Well it won't be implied this time around.


got a problem with my INTENSITY . deal with it............. I call a spade a spade, A potenial rape scene which a HUMAN gets sexualy violeted by an unknown indenity, is worth my 11.00$ movie ticket. Sexuality is over-rated, and thus needs too be addressed with a "cutting edge" scene which the dirctor makes their point loaud and clear. Hey James Cameron, i never watched TITANIC and after 32 minutes of AVATAR in theatre i left.. cuz ur movie was dumb! anyways. INTENSITY in a movie is very rare these days, Eli Roth tried his best with a couple of his FILMS, but others copied. A good intense FILM was 28 days later... Lots of intense scenes and acting and a SOUNTRACK...


you are of a very "intense" stupidity .


I'm sure what we couldn't see on the screen 30 years ago(lambert) wouldn't have any problem being shown today. BTW in Girl with the dragon tatoo there is quite a brutal rape scene with Noomi Rapace


I have no issue with your so called "INTENSITY" but it seems you can't be adult enough to fathom a half assed tactful response when approached by someone in a manner that is discriminating to your lack of tact and fore thought that their actually might be adolescents and women as well that read this forum and not just yourself. Did you even place little bit of thought into what you were about to post regarding rape or did you jsut run out hootin and hollering like you're "billy bad ass" on a forum with no regard to anyonew else that might read it? All I can say is...Really..Hmmmmm...


something like that [quote]""time too punish the WOMEN, who have sinned or are not PURE.......... TAKE THE PAIN!""[/quote] cant not be accepted


Now to answer your question. There will probably be something really fricken messed up in the movie. There has to be. I mean listen to Noomi's words at the very start of the Trailer. "It was sooooo wrong". That to me leaves a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach on what happens to the people physically in it.


well i agree and dissagree. evil deads rape scene with the woods was freaking crazy and if you rewatch alien, its almost commited on lambert, but dude. i say do a similar scene, hearing it but not seeing it, makes it more creepy


Anybody who fully welcomes seeing rape scenes in a film is truly a sociopath. No way around it. I have some of the most controversial films in history as my favorite films. Doesn't mean I like them because of the rape or violence towards women. You need to take your mental issues elsewhere buddy. Just saying.


I kind like the idea thats been floated around about human mutating into something else and having some twisted alien pile orgy. Its a horror movie and must leaving you feeling sick at the end kinda like the movie mist did with me .


I agree Frantz, no place on this forum for that kind of idiocy.


Veteran MemberMemberOvomorph01/10/2012
Hey USHBUCK, What exactly….is troubling you? Rather than just responding to your seemingly frustrated comments, I’m trying to understand where exactly it is you’re coming from. To this member, your comments come off as attention seeking and contrived. So, giving you the benefit of my very serious doubts, would you please explain your points of view further? Thanks, Neurion


and if you watch the making of alien 3 gieger is very open about the alien doing some really screwed up stuff, like it haveing lips to kiss with and then pulling a sil with its tounge. just please dont let it get like a japanesse horror film or something. lets keep our eyes on the ball shall we


Welcome it !!!! I found it repulsive pal. I also found it very gratifying to see Noomi get her revenge on the sick bastard that did it to her. I did not like Girl with the Dragoon Tatoo because it had a rape scene in it I like it because it was a great movie and her acting was flawless.


Backpedaling is an amazingly obvious thing.


just as i cannot watch avp requium because of the infant scenes and pregnant scenes. as a father i just cant watch those scenes. as a woman or as someone that has been through that i would agree. plus how many movies dont have some kind of sex in them. reminds me of the eightys slasher flicks. just make something original

Game Over Man!

I for one do not like the thought of a rape scene in this movie. If there is hopefully it will not be very graphic. LIke one posted earlier hearing it would be graphic enough for me! I could live with a brief silouette scene maybe as well. I can not understand why a couple posters are excited and welcome this. That is very disturbing!


my point exactly, your imagination makes things so much more scarrier. take the acutal movie alien. how many times do you see the beast. but how much more frightening it was than aliens. thats how you scare people


[img][/img] [img][/img]


I’m a women, and I have to agree with deadcell about the pregnant scene in avp. The movie was as bad, and that part just proved how bad it was. As some have stated, I too miss the movies that showed less and left it to your mind as to what happened. I use to be terrified to watch a scary movie. Until my sister showed how dull the movies are becoming. People want blood, sex, rape, etc. I want real acting, less cgi, more live sets with live on sight locations. I love those kinds of movies because people can act with what is around vs. having to be told what is around them. In the last 3 years I have been to the movies about ten times. Only one movie I really liked was Devil. I was scared to watch the whole time because I didn’t know what horrors happened until the lights came on. But before I get carried away I really can’t wait to see this film. I talked about this movie so much that my sister bought all the alien movies.


I just watched a documentary on he making of the Toho films and this point was brought up in it. Eventually CGI and Real Animatronix and miniatures will mix in a way that will benefit but right now.....I agree. As I said earlier, anybody that can truly say they are excited, turned on or enjoy seeing rape on film is a sociopath. I do not mean that lightly either. You are sick and you probably need pounded into salt a few times.


@ Ushbuck It's not just woman who get raped u know....little sociopaths like yourself whom are destined for prison time sometimes also get a taste of it ....then u can truly appreciate the intensity of it all...TAKE THE PAIN!


@Juxtapose, well said, my friend. @Ushbuck, contrary to what your upbringing may have taught you, rape of any nature unto anyone (man or beast) is depraved and barbaric. Glorification of rape is abominable and detestable. There is no plotline or creative story written (or yet to be written) that warrants the glorification of rape. Your flagrant mysogeny is indefensible and your sordid infatuations lead me to believe you've accidentally reached the wrong kind of website. You speak of needing your medication, and I would urge you to get some. Seriously, hand yourself into the authorities who can assist you before you do some harm in the real world.


ok we have a randall on our hands, just trying to get some fire out of people ushbuck is very showing of an infintile point of view. with that attitude you shouldnt be watching anything on television with the exeption of barney you half wit. and thats all the anger you will get out of me spudnik. now brush your teeth and get to bed.


I'm with ALL of you echoing disgust at Ushbuck, but let me ask a very good questions... IF, something like this is going to happen in the film (and many of you seem to believe so, given the footage we have seen, stills from Comicon)... How would they EVER release a PG13 version of this film? From what I've read they are filming the R and PG13 versions side by side. I just can't even fathom an alien rape, even IMPLIED, in a PG13 movie.


very true, but in truth how much can you get away with in a pg 13 film. kind of restricts you way too much but it does keep those kind of scenes out. we will just have to see


Rahlas › "Devi" was one of the ALL TIME WORST FILMS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE !!! It was pointless, un-compelling, dumb and void of any artistic merit what so ever!!! & this is coming from a guy who LOVED "Signs" and LOVED "The VIllage" DEsPITE ALL THE HATRED SPEWED AT Both OF THOSE FILMS FOR NO GOOD REASON TO THIS DAY THAT i CAN UNDERSTAND OR WRAP MY MIND AROUND. BUT DEVIL...?... THAT ONE CLINCHED IT FOR ME, THAT AND "AIRBENDER", THE GUY NEEDS TO CHANGE HIS NAME TO "M. KNIGHT SHAMMA-LAMMA-DING-DONG" NOW !!!


Anyone who enjoys a rape scene should simply be shot. Nuf sais. Dragon tatoo is pretty bad, both versions, but it's necessary in the movie. I didn't enjoy the scene. It's very awkward and I can't watch all of it...... Prometheus could have some pretty disturbing things, but how graphic it needs to be vs. implied is a fine line. I don't need to see biomechanical rape devices in action like some kind of twisted porno and if we do, I'd question Ridley Scott's grip on reality personally.


I can't believe they even allowed this thread to stay on here this long.. hint... hint... But @Spartacus, Devil was a pretty good movie.. excellent Hitchcock rip off..
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