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Unlike Prometheus, the sets for Alien: Covenant will look old-school, says Michael Fassbender!
Scified2016-05-19 08:35:29
Written by Chris8,048 Reads4 Comments2016-05-19 08:35:29

Michael Fassbender, who played the android David in Ridley Scott's Prometheus will be reprising his role in its sequel, Alien: Covenant next August. While filming currently takes place in Sydney Australia, Fassbender has been conducting various interviews with local news outlets and revealing minor updates about the film's direction as well as its overall aesthetic nature. For those who longed for a more Alien feel from Scott's initial prequel venture in Prometheus will undoubtedly enjoy Alien: Covenant a bit more.

Building off of his previous statements about Covenant's set as well as return of chest-bursting Aliens, Fassbender adds that Covenant will feature more old-school and battered sets, similar to those of the original Star Wars trilogy. 

Fassbender is in Sydney, where he’s filming Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant, the sci-fi sequel to Prometheus. He’s a big wrap for Scott’s huge physical sets, which he describes as mixing cutting-edge NASA-like technology with “an old-school element where things look battered, like the original Star Wars…

This new quote comes to us from a new article in the Australia-based newspaper Herald Sun, courtesy of AvPGalaxy.

The Weyland-Yutani vessel Covenant is clearly going to be a less-advanced vehicle when compared to Weyland's Prometheus, suggesting that the Covenant could in fact be similar to Alien's Nostromo - acting as a deep space research vessel instead of a specialized expedition craft. This also suggests that the attire and costume design for its crew will also be less futuristic looking and more relatable to modern technology like that of Alien and Aliens.

Michael Fassbender also touched briefly on his character David in the upcoming sequel - adding that David 8 will be back in a "whole new way". What this means exactly is unknown. As new details about Fassbender's David, as well as other characters and crew are revealed we'll be sure to keep you updated!

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David 7

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2016 9:33 AM

That's good. It's good that Scott will give us that broken universe where everything has been used more than once, much like Alien. I like the gritty feel. 


MemberXenomorphMay-19-2016 10:14 AM

Cool! Even the Engineer's ships had push buttons. 

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMay-19-2016 11:05 AM

Good to know that the designs will be based on "cutting edge NASA tech with an old skool, battered look." It should give the film a realistic quality and bring it more inline with the designs in ALIEN.

The thing I'm more concerned about though is the design of the juggernaut(s), the design of the planet they're going to and the design of the alien(s). I want it all to have a very grungy, gritty, mechanical aesthetic.

No more squids and silly boild egg buttons please Ridley!


MemberPraetorianApr-12-2017 1:24 AM

Wow we have five spammers here, willing to help out with your essay or research paper writing...pity they know f*** all about the Alien Universe!

What happened to the REPORT button?

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