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Underwater (2020) movie was clearly inspired by Prometheus (2012)
Scified2020-01-02 19:14:20
Written by Chris67,887 Reads14 Comments2020-01-02 19:14:20

In 8 days, 20th Century Fox will release Underwater - a new sci-fi thriller movie starring Kristen Stewart. Alien fans will notice right away the eerie vibe is very reminiscent to that of the Alien, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant movies but a quick glance shows an obvious indication of inspiration by Ridley Scott's Alien prequel, Prometheus above all else. For one, the theatrical poster:

Compared to Prometheus:

Font, use of lighting, color pallet and positioning of a single Human scientist looking into the unknown abyss... the resemblance is uncanny.

The trailer also seems to pay homage to the Alien prequel's mysterious hype building effect by teasing chaos and suspense while not unveiling the film's monster entirely:

Given Underwater is also a Fox property, it's not surprising to see the film's marketing to have drawn from Prometheus' marketing - after all, part of Prometheus' immense box office success was thanks to the movie's remarkable and extensively intriguing marketing campaign.

The plot for Underwater centers around a group of scientists on board a massive subterranean laboratory. When their facility's location experiences a massive earthquake a dormant alien creature is unleashed and proceeds to pick off the crew, one by one...

Underwater arrives in theaters January 10th, 2020. Will you be seeing it? Let us know in the comments! It's the closest thing we'll be getting to an Alien film for the time being after all.

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MemberTrilobiteJan-03-2020 12:15 PM

It does seem inspired by the Alien prequels. From the trailer, it will probably play out better as a horror movie- no doubt it will play off the fears of drowning and claustrophobia.


MemberTrilobiteJan-03-2020 12:36 PM

Let's start the conspiracies! Alien/Prometheus/Covenant vibe and aesthetic but under the ocean floor.

Interestingly, an Alien queen was dragged to the ocean floor in AVP. BOM BOM BOM!


MemberChestbursterJan-03-2020 1:22 PM

What was also clearly inspired by the prequels is Netflix' Lost in space. The suits, the rover, and it had a holo orrery thingie in the first season. 

In regards to theories, one could argue that a crew from the Prometheus became the Night King ( yes the actor was in both) from Game of thrones. Maybe it could also be speculated that Planetos is LV-223.


MemberDeaconJan-05-2020 4:34 PM

I can see some similarities with the poster.

Apart from that i cant really see much of a Connection, it appears this Movie is more similar to Leviathan and Deep Star Six

While it does-not Connect to PROMETHEUS... thats not to say that they could not have made a Similar Movie that Connects to PROMETHEUS.   We had Ridley Scott suggest the Engineers had Seeded Many Worlds, and that they could have RESET Worlds over and over...

He even mentioned that their could have been other Civilizations before us that had to be Eliminated, and mentioned ATLANTIS.

So in Context to Underwater Fun and Prometheus, they could have explored a Movie where we DISCOVER the Long Lost City of ATLANTIS.... and indeed we Discover these GUYS had been on the Receiving End of the Engineers.

A Place Destroyed, and Buried at Sea.... what HORRORS would await?

What Horrors had the Engineers Unleashed and could any have Survived?

Or do we Discover some of the Species the Engineers wanted to Cleanse to make way for US?   Could this Long Lost Civilization be more Wicked/Evil than the Engineers and if AWOKEN would the Survivors want to have their World Back and also want to know where the Engineers got to/came from?

So indeed we could have explored such... we would have to remember conflicts with the ALIEN Franchise and so any such Discovery would be better to be made between the events of Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection.

We could even Uncover a Failed Mission, a Juggernaught Ship and Outbreak that they had to Cause some Massive Seismic Event to Bury the Ship and its Cargo!

I did when i was a kid and after i saw ALIEN (before Aliens) i had a Dream that i saw a Movie where a Xenonmorph had got on-board a Oil Rig and Ship as the Humans had Dug Up a Derelict Ship at the Bottom of the Sea.

(about 1985) and i legitimately thought it was a Sequel... only the Weapons/Technology was very 1980's and it had Ripley in it lol 

So i was confused as it was a Very Realistic Memory, did i see something Vaguely similar and my Imagination just added the Xenomorph and Ripley? lol

I guess in a Alternative Universe... such a thing could have been explored as a ALIEN Movie... what of the Tag Line?

Space is not the only Place your Screams are Drowned Out!


MemberTrilobiteJan-05-2020 5:21 PM

The tagline idea is neat! Under the Ocean Depths, who can take the pressure?

As for the Alien tagline, we actually heard Lambert scream and cry quite a bit!


MemberXenomorphJan-05-2020 5:30 PM

If this movie took place on an alien world.. I would be all in! 

takes place on Earth? Yawn.


MemberTrilobiteJan-05-2020 5:49 PM

 MonsterZero The ocean depths are actually closer to being a real Alien world than outer space sci fi can deliver. At any rate, it should be worth a watch.


MemberDeaconJan-05-2020 6:06 PM

Well MonsterZero there is Scope for SCI-FI to take place on other worlds and be similar.

For example a Expedition to Europa or Titan where they use some Technology to Heat the ICE...  what could you Thaw out?

There is Speculation about what LIFE could be on other Worlds in our System, as long as there is ICE, its Speculated what could be UNDER the ICE if deep down its Warmer due to Volcanic Activity or Vents to the Core...

Certainly cant rule out Basic Bacterial Life... what happens to such when their Environment is Heated Up?

Such Plots can also work for say incoming Comets or Asteroids that Crash and contain Frozen Bacteria/Microscopic Life that Thaws...

Off course this is or could become something thats been done before though, such as LIFE or THE THING.

In context to Prometheus, i guess they could discover a World where some Urns are found Underground in the Frozen Water or ICE...

And Once this Stuff has Defrosted.. we know the $&"# can HIT the Fan!


MemberTrilobiteJan-05-2020 6:28 PM

The idea of a Juggernaut crashing years ago with a pathogen doesn't seem so far fetched int the Alienverse. Creatures could have mutated quite differently and then go dormant as the earth changed/evolved due to seismic activity. Next, some humans poked a hornet's nest, like they are prone to do, and chaos ensues.

The movie is probably not connected to the Alienverse, but it could go into a different aspect to cir***vent the Disney acquisition. 


MemberXenomorphJan-06-2020 6:03 AM

dk I just have a problem with the crew not being isolated or cut off from rescue. Having 8-10 billion humans above surface just dulls it for basically 8 billion humans(including the military) versus some deep sea creatures.


MemberDeaconJan-06-2020 3:11 PM

Having seen the Trailer a Few Times and TV Spots, it does have some like Easter Eggs to ALIEN/Prometheus as far as Aesthetically in how the Trailer looks and the suits etc.

I think its obvious it is in NO-WAY connected to the ALIEN Franchise though.... However the MONSTER appears to take some Inspiration from a Amalgamation of Various Concepts from the ALIEN Prequels.  I could attempt to Elaborate if required ;)

Looking at HOW this could expand into its own Franchise, i think it depends, i would EXPECT it would be Open Ended so that a Sequel could not be RULED OUT... but i dont think it would END in such a way that would NEED any Sequel.

Sometimes some Movies are BEST left as a Stand Alone Movie.

I can see your Concerns MonsterZero about having this be about a Deep Sea Creature and HOW these could then be a Threat to Mankind... and how it could make it a Movie thats TOO CLOSE to being stuck on Earth.

I think it depends on the Reveal about the Monster... could it have Came in a Ship from Out of Space?

Is it something that came on a Ancient Meteor and Evolved at the Bottom of the Sea, and was Buried due to Seismic Activity?

I kind of get the Impression there is ONE Monster but i would NOT rule out a Revelation Scene (maybe post Credits) where we see some Eggs or Similar.  I can see some Concerns about where do they go NEXT if its revealed there are like say Hundreds or Eggs... and so it leads to a Predictable Sequel where these are Recovered for Study... which Proves to be a Folly/Hubris.

But then the ALIEN Franchise is JUST as Predictable...

For those who may want this to be a Monster of ALIEN Origins they may want any Sequel to take us to Space and not be on Earth...  Then its HOW do they do that, the Lazy Route would be a Crashed Space Ship with some way of Determining where it came from...

The Ship does not have to be ALIEN... it could be a Human Mission to another Planet or Moon, that had recovered Samples and Crashed.... so if say it was from Mars then it could promote a Mission back to Mars for any Greedy Science/Military types to TRY and obtain the Organism.

But this would make it too CLOSE to the ALIEN Franchise and it would be nice to have some degree of Originality.... what could be WORSE is if the Digging/Drilling Mission was on purpose to Recover the Crashed Ship or Meteor etc, as again this would be just like Special Order 937!

I think the Movie looks to replicate the Type of Movie that ALIEN was to some degree, and it looks like a ALIEN meets Deep Star Six....  but i hope the Similarities are just that we have a Alien/Monster that goes around STALKING the Human Crew in the Shadows... like the Xenomorph did in ALIEN.


MemberTrilobiteJan-19-2020 10:05 PM

It seems the movie did not meet box office expectations. Is it really a surprise? Alien and The Thing 1982 didn't fare so well but are beyond cult classics to this day.

And lst we forget, Prometheus and AC didn't quite meet expectations either.

Come to think of it, not many sci fi movies outside Star Wars, Star Trek or super hero movies have done really well.

I will buy Underwater when it comes out on DVD. I will be late to the party, but oh well. 


MemberChestbursterJan-20-2020 11:39 AM

dk Alien made more than 19 times than it's production cost. Aliens only 11 times. Now this movies apeared in a time when total income was harder to quantify.

Prometheus was the third most profitable from the Alien series. If it did not met expectations why did Fox give the same budget for Ridley to make Covenant? Ultimately he made it with less as he cut 3d and other stuff.

The Martian made more money than every of the new Star Trek reboot movies. Even Prometheus made more than 2 of them, and was more profitable then the rest.

For me, the conclusion could be that horror movies with creatures in them fare not particularly well. Let's see how the sequel fares. 

Spike's Ghost

MemberOvomorphJan-22-2020 8:25 PM

I saw it. No spoliers... My girlfriend and I were the only people in the theater! The movie lacked plot and character development. It felt like it was originally aimed at a teen audience and then switched to be more adult at some point in production or vice versa. My gf who's not an Alien super fan like me at one point said "This movie is just like Alien!" at one point. If you guys see it, you'll know where she said this. It's definitely a heavily influenced/Alien ripoff as you can tell from the trailers but it's just enough different to be it's own movie. Lots of similarities that i saw. Kristen Stewart is essentially Alien 3 Ripley with her buzzcut for one. The movie's premise had potential and the cgi was ok but the lack of plot leaves me giving a 5/10. It was fun movie but that might just be because I had a theater to myself with my gf haha.

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