MemberPraetorianJan-07-2018 1:28 PMProbably it is the creature on the table...
Still from the movie:

MemberChestbursterJan-07-2018 3:25 PMThe Deacon and Neomorph's jaw action/design is based upon the Goblin Shark (as we know), so I guess the production team included a direct homage to the creature in the evolution of David's creations. I like it! There are lot of these creatures and concepts that shows just how detail oriented they are with these Prometheus films. Even if it does seem like they are missing or straight ignoring/changing the continuity of the universe they are functioning in.

MemberTrilobiteJan-07-2018 3:36 PMI don't think the OP creature looks like any of the pics from responses. It looks similar to the one the girl holds but that one lacks teeth (possibly a before pic?)

MemberDeaconJan-08-2018 3:05 AMThey are two different designs for sure...
The OT one is actually a Prop of one of the Concept Works for the Neomorph

I myself am not a fan of it as its a bit too much like a Goblin Shark but it does connect with the Deacon more, and so looking at the Genetics it kind of makes sense that the Xenomorph is a result of Davids continued experiments, because the Prop in the OT and a number of other Creatures in his workshop do share a lot in common with the Creatures from Prometheus which the Black Goo was connected to.

MemberDeaconJan-08-2018 3:07 AMI will add all of the Organisms we have seen in AC and Prometheus look Organic, and to a degree the Xenomorph is kind of Organic too, but the 1979 Xenomorph looks totally different as it appears more Bio-Mechanical and insectoid well you get the feeling its outer surface is a Exo-Skeleton like a Scorpion.
So some further Evolution is on the Cards to get to that Classic Appearance.

MemberPraetorianJan-08-2018 9:29 AMdk/BigDave - I don't agree with you. Only the mouth (to be more precise its teeth) seems to be different, but the movie scene itself does not reveal the head of the creature as you can see in the movie still I added. Plus, it is possible that its denture is an extra.
Dark Nebula's profound thread informs us (I added its link in my previous comment) that there were two 'pterodactyl-like' creatures in David's lab. One of them can be seen on the table next to the mysterious eggs (the still I added) and there is another one in a dish. Please visit Dark Nebula's topic for more images.
I think the one in the girl's hands is the dish creature.
And I believe that the same dissected creature can be seen in the OT image and the movie still. The holes on the bodies are very similar in my opinion:

From this article:

But, of course, anything is possible...

MemberDeaconJan-08-2018 3:42 PMThey appear to be different, by how they have been cut open, but sure they could be similar organism or indeed related by experiments, and so the other one pterodactyl-like which has no teeth could be the same kind of creature just without its teeth shown, also the angle of the pterodactyl-like creature in the movie is in a way that it would not need extra detail like its teeth, due to the POV not showing that side of the head in any detail.
They certainly could be TWO of the same Organisms then, or related where one is a evolution of the other and so a work in progress for sure.

MemberDeaconJan-10-2018 4:00 AMThe one thing i will mention regarding this Organism, the OT more so than the Pterodactyl one (although some Aesthetic can be seen) is that the Organisms Skin appears to be very close to the LV-223 Engineers Pressure Suits.
Its as if their Suits and the Black Goo have some kind of Link...

MemberFacehuggerJan-10-2018 5:34 AMSuch a waste. How could would it have been instead of the ridiculous flute scene, to instead get a scene which delved through his various experiments and failures etc.?!

MemberDeaconJan-10-2018 6:09 AMIndeed.... i think the Problem is the movie would be given a limited run time where exploring Davids Creations would eat into this, hence the Extra Content to cover it.
The Flute Scene was just RS trying to show that David has Free-Will and can Create, and showed in a Artistic Matter, where as Walter has no Free-will as such and he is not intended to Create, he can only Copy, so he cant Creatively Paint his own Painting, or Create his own Music but he can replicate/copy a Musical and Painting.
Where as David has creative free-will and the Flute Scene was David showing to Walter that indeed he can Create, and so showing Walter that he can be Free of Will. The idea was wonderful i think the application of it and execution was very flawed, very corny and camp.

MemberFacehuggerJan-10-2018 6:56 AMYea if they did not force the Xenomorph we could have gotten a great movie of the actual process of creating the Xeno with maybe just a shot of the Xeno lurking in a dark doorway as a last shot like the Deacon at the end of Prometheus.

MemberNeomorphJan-11-2018 8:47 AMThe last image looks fun it almost looks like it has the head like it is dancing and singing "oh I am too **** for my shirt..." :D
A Right Said Fred (a band) reference for those that don't know about that.

MemberNeomorphJan-11-2018 8:48 AMCritters5:
The flute scene was kind of interesting in the way that we saw the different views that David and Walter had but I agree that they could have done so with a much better way and also it was too slow, meh. It could have been better if they showed more about his experiments in the lab or what ever to call that place. A scene like that as opposed to the flute- thing by David would have been a lot better but I think that I understand the point of having that in the movie.
You could easily make a parody of that where a fat David plays the bagpipes (stomping his feet) like Fat bastard in Austin Powers and going on in a rambling about creation like a psycho while going off-topic a bit now and then. That would have been fun. (In a rhythmic voice: I am David I like to create). I can easily imagine a parody of that scene.
It was not forcing the Xeno that was the problem for me, it goes a lot deeper than that.

MemberDeaconJan-12-2018 6:37 AMI have to agree Critters5
They spoon fed the Xenomorph and then with the restraints on Run-Time meant it could not be done justice...
In Hindsight the movie needed a extra 15 min plus...
It needed to have Oram get Face Hugged but not Chest Bursted but carried to the Ship by Walter (David) have the Lander Scene replace the Xenomorph with the other Neomorph.
Walter (David) takes Oram to a Medical Bay and informs Daniels, Lope and Tennessee that he is kept under observation and Quarantine but it appears he is not infected with the Virus, but appeared to have been attacked and that David was angry because Oram killed the Neomorph and Walter found Oram knocked out.
We could hint that hours had past, and Walter (David) reports that Oram is fine, even having Daniels see him awake hours after getting onto the Covenant and THUS ruling out the Fast Acting Infection that had infected Hallet and Ledwood, Daniels would not Question Walter (David) and she would see Oram is ok and not showing signs of the Neomorph Infection. So Walter (David) puts Oram into Cryo-sleep.
Walter (David) wishes to then get the others well most to Cryo-Sleep.
During this time, we could see Oram Chest Busted, then allows more time to have the Xenomorph go on a rampage and killing Lope in addition to Upworth and Ricks and so it would allow the Covenant Xenomorph Scenes to have like 3X longer and make it more like ALIEN rather than the Rush Job we got.
These Changes however would make it more obvious earlier on that Walter is David, but then i assume most people would have gathered this way before the actual reveal anyway.

MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2018 12:02 AMMore of a mystery is where are all the bodies of the black goo mutated dead creatures which should be littered all over the planet.