MemberOvomorphApr-18-2017 1:39 PMThe shot of the facehugger darting away into the dark is so creepy. The footage just keeps getting better and better!

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-18-2017 1:41 PMReally interesting TV spots.
I finally managed to get this screenshot of neomorph devouring somebody, from "Proud" spot

And I caught this screenshot somewhere at the end of the "Blessed" TV spot before the greenband trailer started.I don't know if it has anything to do with AC.

But anyways...
Things are heating up.Can't wait for AC.

MemberOvomorphApr-18-2017 2:06 PMThere is a bird´s-eye view of the "engineer" city in the "Tennessee" spot:

MemberDeaconApr-18-2017 2:23 PMWho knows what else will be released by the time this month is over, between all the officially released TV Spots, Features and Trailers and Magazines and other Officially Authorized Information i think a lot of the movie has been revealed.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2017 3:20 PMA big thing I noticed from these teasers:
So I went through and paused and played over and over again (exhausting, but necessary to get those juicy bits), and there is a clearer shot of the field attack with the Neomorphs. We get a very CLEAR shot of one of their faces, and it seems as if the two Neomorphs are VERY different from one another. The one with the softer "rounded" cranium seems to be the one with the mouth that comes out of nowhere from the "Prey" TV Spot. The other one seems to be much more akin to the Deacon or Beluga concept. This one may be the prop head that we've seen last year. Or maybe they both have that hidden mouth thing going on, as it's pretty tricky to see the face of the Neo that's eating that guy from the magazine pic. It's also very possible that we are being lead astray: that the pointy-headed Neo does not come from the spores at all and that the spores lead to the round headed, smaller creatures. Whatever the case, these new shots and spots have me pumped for the 19th! ONE MONTH PEOPLE!!

MemberOvomorphApr-18-2017 3:39 PM

MemberPraetorianApr-18-2017 4:20 PMI am really pumped for this movie and I am ALMOST starting to feel a bit bad for the Covenant crew...ALmost. :D

MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2017 4:24 PMTickets now available and just booked it for may 18th. Pumped!

MemberChestbursterApr-18-2017 5:50 PMAmazing cover! Xeno/Protomorph? what kind of weirdo is she facing?

MemberOvomorphApr-18-2017 7:05 PMThis is kinda fun....This guy showed up in a single frame on the Joblo movie link: ALIEN: COVENANT "Blessed" TV Spot #5 + Trailer (2017) Ridley Scott Sci-Fi Horror Movie HD.
He is exactly at :30 seconds in on a single frame so you have to be quick.
Who is this guy you ask? Well it is none other then Ben Cantler! Joblo's Trialers admin.
Took me a bit to find who was but I thought everyone might get some fun out of this.....

I had to use google images to locate the founder of Joblo in the Joblo Headquarters...and Chris check this out they are in Montreal Quebec, JOBLO MEDIA INC. | 3360 Savard | Montreal, Quebec | H4K 2N3 CANADA.
Too awesome I used to live in Canada as a kid so this is amazing!

If you need to see a bigger pic here is the link! http://www.joblo.com/contactus.php
The joblo website was started in 1998.

MemberChestbursterApr-18-2017 7:50 PM

MemberChestbursterApr-18-2017 7:57 PMSecond one I think is the first act James Franco dies, and first one the final act of the movie, cause she is wearing a spacejumpsuit in struggle for save her life.

MemberOvomorphApr-18-2017 10:55 PMHello. Theres this scene in the trailer where u hear a woman screaming over the headphones and a suspicious blur figure running in the back.

Could that be an egineer? and why haven't we questioned ourselves if the ship that david showed shaw in the end of prometheus had another living engineer? After all Shaw nor the rest of the group knew other ships existed. What if the one that Dr.Shaw and David took had one too? Maybe thats what killed Dr.Shaw and well David just had his vengeance over them (engineers) because of this incident. Just a thought. Let me know what you think.

MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2017 11:35 PMMaybe there is an engineer still alive down there.

Jim Pills
MemberOvomorphApr-19-2017 1:06 AMThough I'm pumped to see this movie, I hope the studio isn't releasing too much of the movie. The scare factor is what makes or breaks these...
The story is important, as is following the mis/fortunes of the human characters. But seeing so much of the parts that are most likely to scare the audience released, it makes me wonder just how much is going to be left that we haven't seen? At least in part.?
I think that both Shaw and at least one engineer will still be alive down there, where else will the twist/s come from?

MemberOvomorphApr-19-2017 1:22 AMLooks good

Deep Space
MemberFacehuggerApr-19-2017 7:19 AM@BD - I had a feeling they would show quite a bit in the promotional work leading up to the release.
My hope is that there is still enough good stuff unseen. The Empire pics in particular have answered many of my questions and that's disappointing in a way.
Still, to be expected and I should have had more will power . . .
Here's hoping it delivers. If I was to give it a rating now, based on what I've seen, it looks like an 8/10. I know that makes no sense but there you go :)
@ JP - Hopefully the twists come from Shaw's fate and engineer involvement. I also hope to see, or be able to infer, some WY shena****ns . . .
I'm also hoping we haven't seen the best of the 'kill' scenes.

MemberFacehuggerApr-19-2017 11:51 AMJim Pills, don't worry. I think the music, sound effects and set up will scare us, even if we think we know what is about to happen. Remember the scene with Dallas in the air shafts in 'Alien'. No matter how many times I have watched the movie, I still find that I am tense and my breathing is a little increased during that scene, even though I know exactly what is going to happen, thanks to the music, SFX and set up. Besides, we don't really know exactly when and how the split seconds of footage in the trailer will be used, if at all (many times footage in trailers does not make the cut for the movie, or a different shot is used).

MemberDeaconApr-19-2017 12:44 PM@JEGCPR
This shot has appeared in one of the Trailers with a different Audio over it, back then we pondered could it be a Engineer, a Mutated Crew like how Fifield was.
We asked is this on the Drop Ship or on the Main ship.
It could be a trick on the eye and indeed it is just Faris trying to call the Covenant and then she drops the headset and heads back to the Med Bay, the Audio is done in a way that it makes you think this scene and this person/being is receiving that distress call but it could be this person/being making it only the Audio is out of Sync to throw us off.
I am going to assume the Med Bay is at the rear of the Ship, Farris runs into the Cargo Hold of the Drop Ship and tries to contact the Covenant to now avail and so runs to the Pilot/****pit of the Ship in order to attempt it again.

MemberOvomorphApr-19-2017 11:53 PM@Blackwinter-witch,
well thank you very much I could not let our team (LOL) down!

This was one was just too scary to watch so I had to close my eyes >.<

MemberOvomorphApr-20-2017 9:26 AM@JEGCPR
I was at the SXSW screening and that shot was in one of the clips. It is during the scene with the backburster. The woman who ends up blowing up the lander, whose name escapes me, is speaking to Tennessee on the comm. She hears screaming and drops the headset and runs back to the med bay.