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Fox release another Alien: Covenant movie still!
Scified2016-12-21 06:06:44
Written by Chris33,293 Reads54 Comments2016-12-21 06:06:44

20th Century Fox have just released a third, new Alien: Covenant movie still! This time, the image seems to be of an Engineer Temple interior - the halls look very similar to those of the installation on LV-223, however they seem more "warped" in a sense. 

Also accompanying the image is another numeric clue: 185612082104

What could this number mean? Sound off in the comments!

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MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 6:08 AM

I can't even, this is SO BEAUTIFUL!

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-21-2016 6:19 AM

Hmmm,looks like the corridor of the derelict from the first alien film to me.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 6:23 AM

Its time date and year, surely.. its a timeline of the film. The pic of the marines is on LV223??

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 6:23 AM

Cakes and Pies! Cakes and Pies!


MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 6:24 AM


MemberPraetorianDec-21-2016 6:38 AM

The Master World Builder strikes again!!

*LOVES Ridley*


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 6:41 AM

This is killing me, if you take the usual 2104 out it gives 5 hours in milliseconds....hmmm 185612082104


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 6:50 AM

Looking great that is :D



MemberChestbursterDec-21-2016 6:52 AM


Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 6:52 AM

Hahaha! It is fantastic! I can hardly contain my excitement! :)

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:11 AM

Good spot Dark Nebula!  Very cool picture . . . I'm so torn in that I really want to keep looking at this site but also don't want to know too much . . .  Arrrggghhhh ;) 


Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:23 AM

neat image!

I would like to see more. :)

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:29 AM

Oh, lord... so many goodies for the holidays...

Must be the 12 days of Alien Christmas.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 7:31 AM

Fairly certain the numbers are time/date stamps of when the pictures take place.

22:05 12/05/2104

13:01 12/06/2104

18:56 12/08/2104

Gee W

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:36 AM

The design is definitely the same as the Derelict interior, but is it the inside of another one of their ships or could it be an outpost? Perhaps the corridor leads up to David's lab?

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 7:36 AM

PATIENT LEECH - Hahaha! "...and a chestburster from LV-223..."


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 7:38 AM

I'm with you on that Spaniard! 12th May the Marines land on LV223 to find out what happened to Prometheus - James Franco is their captain..? 12th June is the Crew in cryo stasis in the Covenant. 12th August is discovery of what David has created?!

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 7:46 AM

PATIENT LEECH - "The Twelve Days of Xenomas"! :)


AdminEngineerDec-21-2016 9:19 AM

@Dark Nebula,

It does indeed look like the inside of the Derelict. However it seems a lot cleaner looking than the Derelict. Could be part of the ship that wasn't gashed open, but I still think it's a different ship or part of the Engineer Temples, since the Derelict would have already been crashed on LV-426 many years prior to the Covenant event. That is of course, assuming the atmosphere of LV-426 doesn't age things more rapidly than on Earth...

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 9:32 AM

Hmm...there almost seems to be a strange shadow upon the floor at the corridor's end - within the right section. :)

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 9:36 AM

Imagine you are running away for your life and you see the light ahead of you...freedom , but you are grabbed from behind and pulled back into the darkness. 


Love the design and it really harkens back to Alien


MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 9:42 AM

Remember too that current production values will be exerted no matter what. Only a very small segment of the audience would applaud an outright reprise of the scruffier 1979 aesthetic. This is Giger's biotech realized in a new age.

The similarities between it and the original are startling, and if it weren't for the soil on the floor I'd say with confidence that it was a Juggernaut interior. It may still be. It's a surprise to see this sort of thing, I had the impression that look was off the table. What a pleasant surprise indeed.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 9:59 AM

AORTA - I agree! I am exceedingly pleased with the visual aesthtic! :)


MemberPraetorianDec-21-2016 10:33 AM

Has to be an Engineer temple entrance, or Juggernaut corridor.

There appears to be a hatch or doorway on the right, with a footplate on the floor.


Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 10:35 AM

LONE - Oh, wow! I did not notice that! Thank you so very much for bringing this to my attention! :)


MemberPraetorianDec-21-2016 10:41 AM

You're welcome SR! :)


MemberPraetorianDec-21-2016 10:43 AM

Like many others, when a new image appears I have to blow it up, scrutinise every inch and play around with the contrast, brightness, shadows etc!

It's a compulsion! XD

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2016 10:51 AM

LONE - Well, I very much like the fact that you indulge your compulsion! :)


MemberPraetorianDec-21-2016 10:57 AM



MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 11:18 AM

This is taking forever!!!!! :P

Am I the only one thinking the trailer will hit when that mission launch countdown marks 150 days 00:00:00?


MemberChestbursterDec-21-2016 12:33 PM

Dark Nebula I agree it does look like the derelict interior corridors.


Chris yeah it doesn't really hold up, at first the derelict was supposed be very old according to Ridley (I think it was) but then he has stated that Covenant takes place right before Alien. And wasn't the pre-trilogy idea scrapped when Lindelof left the 3-film project he initially signed up on? 


AdminEngineerDec-21-2016 12:34 PM

Great spot ther Lone! Indeed it is a doorway. Likely to the Pilot's chamber if it is indeed a Juggernaut ship.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 12:37 PM

Can anyone explain the practicality of the interior of the derelict hallway pictured above? In other words, what's the function of the seemingly ribbed walls? (Please don't say that the walls are ribbed for the Aliens' pleasure! haha) Do you think the Aliens use the design for pulling themselves along the walls? The curved halls create a constant opportunity for danger lurking around the bend.  


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 12:59 PM

So is there a consensus on when the trailer will be released?


MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 12:59 PM

It's been suggested, including by Giger, that the Derelict was grown rather than built. I definitely subscribe to this idea, for several reasons, one being that with that explanation the textures shapes within could result from the utility of the growing process. And also because it's just so creepy.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 1:03 PM

It's definitely creepy. In fact, it's so different that it makes a great defense mechanism. When a human sees that, we don't know what it is and what could by hidden in the crevices. If it were a long, flat, straight corridor, the Aliens couldn't hide as easily.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 2:27 PM

This image makes me consider the possibility that the original alien derelict was sent from the Engineer home world (paradise) to LV223 in order to take out a rogue sect of engineer, but wound up crashing into Acheron instead.  In other words it was part of an attack fleet, and it is that fleet that caused the xenomorph disaster inside the complex seen in Prometheus.  This image could come from some flashback, or recording from the time period on paradise.   

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 2:30 PM

This film doesn't take place right before the first film does it? We ARE getting a trilogy right? 


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 2:53 PM

Scott says it would require 2 or even 3 more films to get back to Alien.  Personally I don't see what the could accomplish, other than showing how the derelict arrived.  Tying to Ripley through parents or something in this timeline would actually be pretty lame. 


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 3:46 PM

To me it's the same and identical to Derelict in A1. It is cleaner looking because haven't crash also atmosphere of LV426 DOES AGE thing more rapidly than on earth.

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 4:16 PM

I think it's the entrance to a juggernaut and those platform things on right are where their space suites are stationed 

whats also interesting is that the hallway construction also resembles the hive in aliens

but im sure that's been covered before....


MemberDeaconDec-21-2016 4:46 PM

Indeed it is similar to the Derelict, compared to few shots of the passageways in the Juggernaught thats less Organic Looking.

But maybe it could be part of the Juggernaught, or the Juggernaughts Synthetic Construction Aesthetic has been effected and now evolved?

We could be led by clues that Synthetic Walters DNA is what connects the Xenomorph.... but why cant the Xeno get its DNA from the Ship....

It certainly fits more with the Xeno Aesthetic and i think the construction material of the Derelict and Xeno Hives are very connected.



MemberDeaconDec-21-2016 5:00 PM

" and if it weren't for the soil on the floor I'd say with confidence that it was a Juggernaut interior."

The Juggernaught had Soil too

There are some better shots around of the floor.


MemberDeaconDec-21-2016 5:02 PM

Mainly soil like look in the Pilot Chamber.

Here is the Juggernauts Corridors for comparison... greatly different.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 6:23 PM

I think this photo is on the planet...perhaps so that it might lead into a catacomb/Ant tunnel set up. Or like that of the Egyptian pyramids.


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 6:33 PM

Aww man.. here we go, here we go!


MemberChestbursterDec-21-2016 7:06 PM

Aorta, yep certainly makes sense when put into context of a) that the organic xeno eggs couldve've been grown in Ridley's/Giger's version, and b) that Giger was really into organic/fleshy art as part of his trademark "biomechanoid" style, combining vehicle engines with organs. 

He actually did a painting called "penis landscape" 

OK that's enough...XD  


MemberOvomorphDec-21-2016 11:09 PM

Must be of the ship Shaw and David used. I can't believe they would take us to the end/beginning with this one. Perhaps David visits the ship every so often... also the militaristic nature of some of these images really came out of left field for me.


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 12:45 AM

Ehh, guess my theory of time and dates referencing the scenes in the movie might be plausible after all


MemberPraetorianDec-22-2016 4:01 AM

That dirt has a crushed coal quality to it. What if it's a left over residue from the process involved in growing the ships? 

Let's say the Engineers have refined a process whereby the Black Goo + or - some other factor, combines with a planets natural elements, activating them to form the Juggernaut?

Either that or the Engineers are not very big on housekeeping! 


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 6:03 AM

It's probably the ship David and Shaw used to leave the planet from Prometheus and the new crew from the Covenant found it like you guys are saying. Im assuming most of the stuff we've seen so far comes from the first act of the film, including the shot of Waterson with her gun up. 


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 6:11 AM

Maybe shes walking in on whatever became of Shaw....?


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 6:11 AM

Well no that wouldn't make sense, different tech 


MemberOvomorphDec-23-2016 2:09 PM

has anyone else noticed that the Twitter and Facebook versions of this picture are slightly different? in the Facebook version, there seems to be a rope or a cable running across the hallway and possibly into the doorway on the right, whereas this rope or cable is gone in the Twitter version. the difference is best visible by going back and forth between the two pictures in an image viewer.

doing the same thing, i also noticed that the Twitter version of the photo of the bloody lab is significantly darker than the Facebook version. not sure there's any relevance to this, but the missing/appearing cable or rope seems interesting to me.

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