Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJul-06-2016 6:59 AMI think its deacon.The xeno from ALIEN had 6 fingers,where this has only 5.And deacon has 5 fingers and they are quite simmilar to that.Or they could be working from Giger's Necronom IV design.
I think its a xeno because I just noticed 2 fingers connected together (damn im blind)
could it be ultramorph?

AdminEngineerJul-06-2016 7:04 AMGood point! Yes! The resemblance in uncanny, I bet it is the hand of the Deacon. I mean, they just left it there on LV-223, we have to know what becomes of it... this is VERY exciting.
Although it does kind of look like there is a sixth digit behind the sculptor's hand. I think it could potentially be the Ultramorph or some other Xenomorph-like creation.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJul-06-2016 7:24 AMI did a little comparison


ALIEN 1979

MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 7:24 AMI see what appears to be 2 digits connected together where a human's small ("pinky") finger would be. If the hand behind the one being worked on is the same, that is. So, 6 digits total if you count the 2 together.
This hand looks different than the Deacon or Xeno's. Then again, is it possible it's a mutation or just a point in the process? Or, is it simply people who are working on production forgot exactly how the Deacon and Xeno's hands were?

David 7
MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 7:46 AMI would not want to be a crew member in a dark corridor with what those hands are attached too..

MemberChestbursterJul-06-2016 8:19 AMHmm It seems to be a xenomporph hand! It actually looks a little bit different from any of the Aliens we have seen, but that just means they wanted to change the design of something a little bit or it is something new!

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphJul-06-2016 8:50 AMI don't think it's a Giger Alien, it doesn't appear very bio-mechanical.
I don't think it's a Deacon either. This thing appears to have 6 digits. Doesn't the deacon have 5?
I'm guessing it's the hand of a mutating human/mutated Engineer.
Or, a new alien organism.

MemberNeomorphJul-06-2016 9:03 AMDavid007: Imagine if you walk in a corridor and are not aware that something is there, then you get these hands on your shoulders while you have you face away from it. An alien voice shouts something like "Hello!". How would someone react then? Maybe that is a bizarre scene from a comedy based on the Alien movies? LOL!
Dark Nebula: The hands look like they are closer to the Deacon than to the other two so maybe we will see the another Deacon in this movie (if not the same if they will re-visit LV-223)? In my opinion they should probably let LV-223 be and move on but if they feel like they need to re-visit it they should just have a short scene from there.

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphJul-06-2016 9:13 AMProbably,somebody reported many months ago seeing Trilobite on the set and scientists being attacked/gunfire etc.(If thats true)

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 9:16 AMLooks very Deacon-y to me!!
Hell yeah...

MemberNeomorphJul-06-2016 9:21 AMDark Nebula: I liked the Trilobite so maybe we will see something similar in AC.

AdminEngineerJul-06-2016 10:08 AMThe hands definitely reassemble the Deacon's hands more closely. I don't see enough similarities to the other hand designs. We may very well get to see an Adult Deacon!

MemberFacehuggerJul-06-2016 3:46 PMI would LOVE to see an Adult Deacon doing something that sets off a chain reaction of correlating events that continue for the next two Sequels after A:C ^_^

MemberDeaconJul-07-2016 3:10 PMI dont think its the Deacon, i also dont think we would be touching upon anything from LV-223 apart from maybe vague connections or flashbacks... i dont think we would be going back to any point post Prometheus.
It kind of looks like the Ultramorph but the Ultramorph has 5 digits.
There is this one though..

This one appears to have 6 digits but its a rough sketch as far as hands go, and it looks more like a Xenos hand as in it appears to have two middle pairs of fingers plus two on the end for 6 digits.
The Alien Covenant image seems to be 4 fingers and what would appear to be a double digit thumb.
So it looks something new to me.

MemberDeaconJul-07-2016 3:28 PMMaybe they are trying to make a fresher take on Gigers Concept work?

Or it could be Pumpkin head lol (which to be fair looks like a Xeno/Human Hybrid anyway)
But yes it looks different to others we have seen, we had the AVP and Alien R Xenos whos hands looked similar to each others (4 Digits), and Aliens Xeno had more feminine hands and was like as if the 4 digit idea was evolved to have 2 center digits split into two more (i know Alien Xeno was first lol ).
But the Covenant one looks a slightly different take, where is the Thumb Digit thats sort of semi split into two..
It also does have a Species Sil/Eve look to it.... so it would be interesting to see the full Alien and indeed its Origin and are we right to assume its a Xenomorph at this point?

MemberDeaconJul-07-2016 3:32 PMWhile on the subject of Species Sil... here is Gigers Work, that shows a translucent Sil...
I think they could pull this off with a Xenomorph related Organism nowadays

MemberDeaconJul-07-2016 3:32 PMI think it would be more interesting to introduce something a little different and it can still give clues to the 1979 Alien but dont forget Alien Covenant will get a sequel and so maybe the traditional Alien is shown then?

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2016 5:12 PMMy money is on Deacon however if it is a Xeno I am so glad we no longer have those ridiculously huge ADI claws..... I truly hate them.

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2016 6:51 PMThis is good stuff ... Deacon has 5 fingers, because the Engineer having 5 ... so I'm going Xeno, or other, on this ...
Bugger, just remembered ... Kane's chestbuster produced an Alien with 6 fingers ... scrap that theory ...
Anyhow, here's a single frame I pulled from the Alien Anthology .ts video format ... higher quality, shows more detail ... zoom in ...
Wouldn't be suprised if this will be on the BluRay (Extras) as .ts video format is the format used for BluRay Discs ...

Hmmm ... I wonder if he's got 6 fingers :) ...


Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphJul-08-2016 3:36 AM@Gem]n[. The strange creature from the fresco has 4 digits.

I believe this ^ ^ is the same creature.
I wonder if we will see this strange creature in Covenant? I hope so.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-08-2016 6:23 AMAhh... we could sit here speculating for an eternity and never know squat. Could just be a xeno, could be a deacon, or could be something slightly different or a mix of the two!! I'm just f#ckin' psyched that it's a f#ckin' creature hand in a new Ridley Scott Alien film!! :D :D :D

MemberNeomorphJul-08-2016 7:06 AMIt looks interesting, as far as LV-223 I don't really think that it is necessary to re-visit it. To me that planet is a thing in the past but if they really need to have it or some sequence then I hope that it will be short..

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-08-2016 8:56 AMWell, LV-223 has got to have some significance, because they made a pretty big point of showing the Deacon being birthed at the end of Prometheus.

MemberDeaconJul-08-2016 9:53 AMYes seems after Alien the 4 Digits is common place for most of the Xenomorphs in every movie... some its 4 digits, some its 4 digits where the middle two are split.
Exactly as the Prometheus Egg Fresco.....
The Deacon had Human hands...
This new image from Alien Covenant shows 5 digits with the Thumb Digit having the split in it like how the Prometheus Fresco had the middle two digits having a split
This is something different, but we can kind of see signs of all the Digits having a somewhat split to them but not a true real split like the Thumbs are.
I think this would be something connected and fresh...

MemberDeaconJul-08-2016 9:55 AMWe cant rule out the Original Deacon.... if we assume the Mural was not a Prediction of Shaws Deacon..
And if Shaws Deacon is the result of the Mural Deacons DNA mixed with Human DNA

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJul-09-2016 5:43 AM^ Liking that design a lot, too. Looks like a xeno on steroids!