MemberOvomorphMar-05-2017 2:16 PMI don't know about the new protomorph yet but I got the idea that the white alien is an experiment from David that involve Dr Shaw. A pro-alien-experiment if you like.
MemberNeomorphMar-05-2017 2:48 PMThose teeth look way too perfect, almost synthetic ;)
AdminPraetorianMar-05-2017 2:50 PMOmg, I think it has what appear to be Queen Alien wings/spikes on it's back. O_O
David 7
MemberFacehuggerMar-05-2017 3:04 PMI believe this Alien is the start of the "perfect organism". It has not been perfected but we are seeing in its primal stage as said above. It is more organic and animal like in its characteristics. Wild and not as the Alien in 79. I believe in the next film that will bridge the gaps into Alien 79 will reveal the iconic creature.
MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 3:45 PMThe human teeth is something i haven't noticed yet.That reinforces a theory of mine.
MemberFacehuggerMar-05-2017 4:04 PMmmmm, about the inner jaw i have come to a conclusion but speculation that looking closely at its teeth and mouth makes
me think also that it does not have the inner teeth like the xenomorph and bites and chews its prey like a wild dog,lion or wolf, it could just have a tongue like any other creature.
Just a theory.
MemberOvomorphMar-05-2017 4:22 PMI'm still agnostic about the Xeno we see in the trailer, but I don't buy completely in your thesis, Chris. It's true that, except for the facehugger and the chestbuster, we don't see much fast behaviour from the Alien's Xenomorph. But this is probably a consequence of a small budget and the heavy weight of the suit covering Bolaji Badejo. In Aliens, the xenos were much more quick, as in the following movies.
it's also a known fact that the xenos changed a little bit between one movie and another. Maybe this one is only a new esthetic choice.
But I agree that they have more in store for us. Maybe much more. I have the strange feeling, for example, that David maybe transformed Shaw in the first alien queen...
MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 4:50 PMMy bet is that it has to be a whole different type of morph. It's very emotionally angry lol 79's seems seductive, hungry or optimistic to cocoon you, this one just wants to eat you like a plate of fava beans with a bottle of chilled Chianti
MemberOvomorphMar-05-2017 7:31 PM1. I saw Backburster in the 1st trailer which becomes Neomorph.
2. I didn't see Throat burster but i assume that it will become Protomorph.
3. I did see Chestburster in the 2nd trailer. It bursts from Oram( Billy Crudup)'s chest. I say it is Xenomorph.
MemberOvomorphMar-05-2017 9:10 PMAs Ripley once asked: "who's laying these eggs?"
Personally, I would love to see the queen Neomorph/Protomorph. Or how they are laid. Oh, and I saw the preview on the big screen, epic!
Stan Winston (deceased)
MemberFacehuggerMar-05-2017 11:03 PMThe "protomorph" also looks to have four fingers to a hand, whereas Kane's son has 6 to a hand.
I do wonder if revealing the "protomorph" will be as big a blunder as revealing John Connor in Terminator: Genisys.
Gee W
MemberFacehuggerMar-05-2017 11:43 PMRegarding the reveal of the protomorph, I very much doubt Ridley Scott had anything to do with that. It's probably the studio that wanted the alien revealed, to reassure some fans that this is indeed an alien movie.
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 2:03 AMThere is a drawing in the "lab" of a flying creature that looked half bird/insect on the wall behind the plastinated cadaver. The creatures legs and wings look like the spines on the back of the protomorph. Perhaps the drawning can also explain why the neo/proto both mostly run on all fours as well. Did not seem like many people noticed this drawing?
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 2:08 AM"I speculate that the Protomorph and Neomorph reveals are meant to keep is thrown off something bigger... Something more terrifying which they have kept secret and will not reveal at all throughout the film's marketing. Something truly Alien..."
I really like this prospect and hope Ridley has an exciting surprise for us. Weren't there supposed to be 3 creatures in the film?
This Protomorph looks somewhat like the Alien 3 Runner. It seems like it has a skeleton and muscles and is covered with a "skin" (not that dissimilar to the Deacon in that respect) whereas the Xenomorph looks like it has parts that look like the Engineer suit as well as biomechanical bits.
Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 2:16 AMI agree with Chris that there is more to be revealed, why show the money shots in the trailers. I think there could be two more creations?
I also concur with the distinct differences, with the beast revealed in the trailer being far more organic looking, despite being ' fresh from the chest'!
Davids extensive research could produce many types of huggers with slightly different outcomes ( maybe xx110 - xx115 )
From what I can see in the trailers up to three crew may get hugged, producing different outcomes?
I still feel there is a lot of mileage left to produce the biomechanical Xeno
From the shower scene it looks like will get to see a second jaw?
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 4:08 AMI agree with almost everything except the name which if you read is not yet confirmed.
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 5:44 AMI think it has the second jaw.....
A lean figure in a black leotard is carefully fitted with a new ribbed body. Then a long slippery head inspired by a goblin shark. Still wearing his Nike runners, he climbs onto a high bench to be fitted with two long spindly legs supported by Oscar Pistorius style blades.
As dancer Andrew Crawford magically transforms into a freaky almost-three-metre-tall sci-fi creature – complete with remote-controlled flicking tongue
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 8:31 AMThe Protomorph is the organic, natural version of the xenomorph notice the lack of tubing (that's right, there is no tubing), the asymmetrical, non metallic teeth, the spikes on it's back (they aren't dorsal tubes I have looked at the trailer pausing non-stop to try to prove myself wrong.), the lack of connecting hose from it's back to it's lower jaw, smaller 'shoulder guards', if you look at the dome on it's head, it's not smooth there are indentations here and there, and most of all based on it's actions it lacks Pharyngeal jaws. It does come from the Facehugger we see in the trailer.
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 3:29 PMWho are the Engineers? Where do or did they come from? How did they build those ships we have seen?
I hear that we soon will know who or what was the Space Jockey. Too me I see the Engineers as more of an Alien than the Xenomorphs and all those like them.. I really hope they make a movie just focusing on the Engineers and answer everyone's questions that pertain to who they are/were and where did they come from.
Hello to David and Chris and to everyone else, you know who you are.
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 7:32 PMWe must remember that everything for the black goo and the first important statement that I should mention is that the black has its own memory and replicates all the biomechanics that originally contained it, by this I mean the silicon vessels! Base element of silicon.
When the Black goo adopted organic life, it replicates its container to an organic state (eggs are the organic replica of silicon vessels)
The process to become a deacon or a xenomorph has been seen in Prometheus and in the films of the saga.
The alien Xenomorph has life based on silicon (this was corroborated originally in Alien and Prometheus)
The alien protomorph is the version of the xenomorph but with life based on carbon (as on earth, that can be explained in alien covenant, since the supposed paradise is equal to the earth, with the difference that there is only plant life, No animals or humans)
The cycle may have started like this:
The ship crashed on top of the mountains, in the collision the black goo was freed from the vessel and gravity did the rest, the black goo bajò diluted in water and arrived at the base of the mountain (where it was assimilated with The fungus Lycoperdon perlatum !, the black goo had to change its elemental base from silicon to carbon)
The Protomorph (I call it "Wood Alien!") Has this characteristic thanks to the black goo that only seek to assimilate some kind of life !, and the paradise offered only a vegetable kingdom! (You can clearly see the characteristics of the egg and the characteristics of the Protomorph or Alien of wood!).
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 8:28 PMScott did say there will be THREE new creatures. We've seen two.
MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 10:51 PMto be realistically honest its just a regular xenomorph born in a different environment leading to different physical features due to being born in a different environment, hell for all u know the organic skin described could be wounds healing over, wasnt there rumors of the back bursting aliens fighting the regular alien and also different member of the same species can have different physical and mental characteristics, a protomorph leads there to be the belief that this is the first when that is disproved by the ship on lv 426 its jockey being mummified a process that takes a incredible amount of time and also expanded universe has already set up the xenomorph existing years before the year this movie takes place in universe thus its my theory that it is just a regular xeno
Necronom IV
MemberFacehuggerMar-07-2017 5:01 AMHonestly, to me this xeno looks as close to the original in Alien. Very HR Giger. Awesome!
MemberOvomorphMar-07-2017 10:10 AMI love how the Protomorph has a very muscular look to can clearly see its biceps, deltoids, and triceps...the human-like bodily structure adds to its overall creepiness.
Chris, you nailed the description, too: animalistic and spastic movements are the perfect way to sum up the Protomorph.
MemberDeaconMar-07-2017 6:22 PMThe Xenomorph has appeared and changed a number of times in each movie including the AVP's
Each time it seems to become less and less Bio-Mechanical like the 1979 Big Chap.
The Protomorph or Xenomorph in this movie and OT seems to be more closer to the Alien Resurrection design but it has a even more Organic Look, its almost as if you took the Alien Resurrection Xenomorph and made its 20% more Human/Organic
I am not sure we could call it Proto-morph i think for something to be a Proto-morph we are talking something that either
*Evolves/leads to down the line to become the Xenomorph in Alien (Derelict Eggs)
*Evolves/leads to down the line to become very similar or almost identical to the Xenomorph in Alien.
However as with this image above... 1-5 are Proto-human, so if the Xenomorph is number 6 then end product and this Protomorph in the OT and Trailer is say 2-5 in the evolution then indeed it would be a Protomorph.
But i guess anything that comes from the Black Goo is also Protomorph if we assume the Goo is older than those Eggs on the Derelict.. But then would we consider a Fish like Creature to be a Proto-human?
Nope... so when talking about Proto-morph it has to be a chain that is a few Evolutionary steps away but similar just as the Ape to Human image i posted shows.
MemberDeaconMar-07-2017 6:26 PMI wander if this Xenomorph related Organism has these hands we saw in the Prop Department
As far as those reports... and the Tongue etc... i think this maybe is the description for the Neomorph?
As other reports suggest there is a Anamatronic Head with Two sets of Teeth like the Xenomorph in the Alien Franchise.
Other reports claimed the Deacon returns with its Goblin-Shark Jaws... but the person who reported this says they look forwards to seeing it on screen and it would be like the Raptor in Jurassic Park
Makes me think they saw a Organism similar to the Deacon with a Tail which means its either the Neomorph... or indeed there could be other Xenomorph related Monsters?
MemberOvomorphMar-26-2017 12:09 PMIf you are looking for the inner jaw, just watch Prometheus movie and the mutated worm coming out of that scientist month. The original Xenomorph is like a puzzle. You must "connect" several creatures (humans as well-or an android) to be completed.