MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 10:09 AMGood lord, those bursting concepts are FREAKY! The second to last image, with it coming out of nose and eyes as well? What a scary shot that would have been. I love the Deacon-looking design! I like what we received, but that could have been crazy to see! Also would have been nice connective tissue to Prometheus (having that much more similarity in creature design.)

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2017 10:48 AMVery cool! The insectoid with posterior limbs definitely makes me think of something out of Dead Space. I would have loved to have seen the NeoMorph with multiple heads and arms as a nod to the Queen Alien.
I liked the back burster scene in AC, but the throat burster scene was slightly underwhelming. The concept of a tenticle neomorph coming out of every orrafice in its victim's body would have been incredibly gory and awesome.

MemberTrilobiteJul-08-2017 10:53 AMNot a fan of the insectoid design.

AdminEngineerJul-08-2017 11:00 AMAgreed about the Throatbursting scene. It was very dark and hard to see. I think the variant shown in this article would have been far more terrifying to watch.

MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 12:07 PMI liked the concept art here (even bettert than the onscreen variant), but I do still think the throatbursting scene was pretty wild! I was a bit shocked in the theater honestly!

MemberTrilobiteJul-08-2017 12:30 PM"They're all crap just like the movie and this website lol"-
The movie is pretty divisive- agreed. If the website is "crap", suggestions are always welcome on how to make things better. Otherwise it just comes across as baseless complaining and/or trolling.

MemberOvomorphJul-08-2017 1:32 PMDead space !!?

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 1:46 PMI thought the throat bursting was terrifying, but the thought of my jaw ripping in half is something that scares me lol It could have been executed better though.

MemberXenomorphJul-08-2017 2:12 PMBest concepts are in the film. No bugs or insectoid queen ever from Ridley Scott. That's my bet.

MemberTrilobiteJul-08-2017 2:17 PMI agree there is a Dead Space necromorph vibe and that is great for that series, but I don't think it fits with this series and am glad they didn't use it or the bugs.

MemberXenomorphJul-08-2017 2:22 PMIt's the 'near morse', not Neomorph :) Somebody got it wrong. Zee germans...

MemberPraetorianJul-08-2017 3:30 PMagreed the insectoid with posterior limbs looks to much like a Dead Space "necromorph".
I think they picked the right on-screen design for the Deacon, Trilobite and Neomorph though its fascinating to see the process they went through to get there.
The spider-like inscetoid is an interesting one. I always liked the idea of having a hive lurker xeno in fully developed hives. Something spider-like that built the hive, webbed victims, moved the queens eggs etc. Just to add that extra terror of being in a hive lol

MemberXenomorphJul-08-2017 5:12 PMGood monster design is very difficult. Giger was one in a billion.
No Giger. No Alien series.

MemberPraetorianJul-08-2017 5:28 PMMonsterZero is this the image you are referring to?? Dan O'bannon's concept?

MemberChestbursterJul-08-2017 8:55 PMI like that facebursting scene, where it's coming out of the eyes and nose! That would be cool and terrifying to see!
The bursting scene where it comes out of his whole body looks cool in the image, but I don't think it would work as well on screen.
Mostly because, part of what's scary about bursting scenes is the victim's reaction -- the shaking, convulsing, writhing, the panicked movements, -- all that. If the Alien is bursting out from everywhere, you can't really tell how much of the motion is from the victim's reaction and how much is just being caused by the Alien itself, as it emerges.
As far as the neomorph, I liked the one that they went with for the film. The one that popped out of Ledward was scary because it reminded me of some sort of messed up demon-cat and cats creep me out as it is, lol.

MemberXenomorphJul-09-2017 6:00 AM@IRaptus Yes! That's the one. Would have been a b-movie with that creature.

MemberOvomorphJul-09-2017 8:02 AMI'm so impressed with all the time spent in pre-production designs and concepts. How in the world did we end up with what we saw in the movie? Seems like another lost opportunity to me. :(

MemberXenomorphJul-09-2017 11:08 AMChrisA what exactly do you mean? Did you prefer the alien with 3 heads and multiple limbs or the 'near morse'? Some concepts were ridiculous although the sketches are pretty good, but they would fit better in David's failed experiments studies. I know even an alien concept by Giger was not used in Alien3. It's good they show us all the hard work, but why do you think the movie a lost opportunity? I'm asking because I haven't had the chance to see it yet.

MemberDeaconJul-09-2017 4:14 PMIndeed some of these are very Dead Space/The Thing.
The Trilobite Bursting Scene looked insane and pretty much similar to the alternative Holloway Concepts when he was Chest Busted in Alien: Engineers by Jon Spaights.
Oh as far as O'Bannon goes his final concept before they turned to HR Giger is this one.

Which is maybe not to different to the Prometheus Fresco Creature.

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2017 12:18 PMWow, these are great concepts and some are according to me way more impressive than what i saw in the movie. I find that the Neomorph in the movie as a desing too simple and besides its sheer agressivety and its very efficient spreading method, not very interesting. My favorite design is the insectoid with legs. I am tired of too humanoid like monster design !

MemberOvomorphJul-10-2017 5:59 PMLoved this alternative bursting methods!!

MemberNeomorphJul-16-2017 4:25 AMThe two pictures that belong to the Alternative bursting methods look nasty as hell. There is something about the things that are coming out of the eyes which makes it look very horrific. It would have been interesting to see how these would have looked in the movie.

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2017 4:05 AMReminds me of another problem I had with Prometheus. Scale. Engineers too small, Trilobite way to big. The insectoid looks ridiculous and is simply a B-grade monster. I like the Deacon designs which would probably would have tied Prometheus in with Covenant better, despite the lack of blue/grey colouring.

MemberPraetorianSep-06-2017 5:17 AMOH, I love these...
One of the nice things about writing is one can revisit and summon forth unused Concepts, or if not, gain some inspiration from them.
I'm getting plenty of raw inspiration-material here, TY for posting these pics!!