Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphJun-22-2016 8:31 AMIt's probably for the best. As long as a full trailer is released in the lead up to Covenant, and it doesn't give too much away, i'll be happy with that.

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerJun-22-2016 9:12 AMI'll be avoiding full trailers. I will sample a teaser, though.

MemberPraetorianJun-22-2016 9:16 AMI'm glad about this, because it's so hard not to watch and I feel it's far too early to give anything away!

MemberChestbursterJun-22-2016 9:24 AMYeah it is early. That is usually my problem, a lot of marketing for movies starts reeaally early and then when the movie gets close to coming out, there are three full trailers, tons of TV spots, and whatever else they have done to promote.
Glad that they will wait a bit, but no matter what I said, I cans till hardly wait for a trailer haha

David 7
MemberFacehuggerJun-22-2016 10:07 AMIm sure by the Fall, we will see a teaser trailer, December at the latest.

MemberChestbursterJun-22-2016 11:10 AMYeah I would think that once it gets down to just about a year before release a trailer should be out

David 7
MemberFacehuggerJun-22-2016 4:47 PMPerhaps with the Star Wars: Rogue One in December would be the latest or in October...

MemberFacehuggerJun-23-2016 5:21 AMLittle disappointing to me.

MemberDeaconJun-23-2016 8:47 AMI think they could maybe drop some teaser images and posters, but maybe its a wise move to not show any footage at this time.
But for a movie they want to keep secret they have released images and comments that are giving a bit away... or maybe they are trying to put us off the scent?

MemberDeaconJun-24-2016 6:23 PMI hope they release something!
We have been given teasers of the Ship, we seen some part of the Ship or Lander get blown up, we have seen Katherine Waterston sitting in one of the coridors of the ship... we have seen a number of cast onset in one of the interiors of the Ship (with David doppelganger maybe?)
We have seen Danny McBride on some sort of Bridge... and so we have been shown some elements of the Ships.
And so why not give away the Ship?
The movie is Covenant, the ship is Covenant and we seen the Logo/Badge...
So why not a teaser poster like these.

With a Plot Line relevant to the movie in a cryptic way... like how Prometheus was "The search for our beginning could lead to our End"
so yes have a shot of either Covenant in Space, or the Lander on the surface, even if they tease the Concept work that the ship is based off..
for example..

Note the first image was the Design before the Final one..
So yes a teaser like these would be Great with a Tag Line....
Maybe like "Ones Paradise is anothers Pandemonium"
Which would lead to hope to find a Paradise but finding Hell which i think is what the Movie is going for.

MemberOvomorphJul-12-2016 3:23 AMYes,I think it's a good move

MemberNeomorphJul-12-2016 12:19 PMMaybe they could show us some scenes but that those are not very important to the movie as a whole?