MemberTrilobiteDec-20-2018 10:44 PMIt does look like game concept art but who knows. It has a vibe of Black Mesa/Half Life/Half Life 2 and that is a good thing.

MemberChestbursterDec-20-2018 11:40 PMGame (i hope) or comic book. Maybe TV series. But definitely not AC sequel.

AdminEngineerDec-21-2018 10:34 AMYeah, sadly I think a new film is the least likely explanation.

MemberPraetorianDec-21-2018 12:30 PMI thought it looked like concept art too. I love the facehugger-bombs in the last image. They look like the projectiles below...

MemberPraetorianDec-21-2018 12:32 PMSo great!!!!!

MemberChestbursterDec-21-2018 1:38 PMVery cool!

MemberPraetorianDec-21-2018 9:50 PMfacehugger bombs. that's messed up!
stuff your vague chem-tails and cloud-seeding theories. get this up ya!
Love it!

MemberTrilobiteDec-21-2018 11:03 PMFacehugger bombs- seems like a variation of David's black goo bombing.

MemberNeomorphDec-27-2018 8:55 AMIt seems more exciting than to follow the David story. This could actually be interesting if it is done right. How they described day 1 2 and 3 could be something.

MemberDeaconJan-02-2019 3:55 PMThis does seem a bit like the Objective of Alien Resurrection, of course they had to resort to Ripley DNA to obtain the Xenomorph but if the USM Auriga had obtained a Xenomorph via Eggs or a Queen some other way then what we see in the first few of these Dossier Images would be pretty much what we would have seen on the USM Auriga
Maybe its for a Game, Comic Book Series who knows... i doubt its for a Movie!
These images to give us some Contradictions/In-continuity mainly as they seem like they would be set around the time of Aliens/Alien 3, which would make us Question WHY pursue Ripley in Alien 3?
If this is to be considered Canon, it can only be that the Company Either...
1) Obtained a Xenomorph somewhere else after the failed attempt to obtain one from Ripley in Alien 3 but then after this event that is depicted in the Dossiers they Lose/Destroy all Evidence/Specimens of the Xenomorph leaving the USM Military Scientists having to resort to Clone Ripley DNA about 100 years latter.
2) They obtained the Xenomorph prior to the events of ALIENS but had Lost/Destroyed the Specimens which results in them setting up the Hadleys Hope Rescue Mission.

MemberOvomorphMar-12-2019 10:07 AMDoes anyone know when and/or why the "Neill Blomkamp Alien Movie" page was dropped on IMDb? 'Cause it's gone NOW.

MemberDeaconMar-13-2019 8:08 AMWho knows... the thing with IMDB is it should not always be considered Official, and more so i dont think Neill Blomkamps Alien 5 was ever Officially Press Released by FOX as going ahead.
Although it appears some work had been done behind the scenes to the Project which appeared to be Labeled Red Harvest with Carlos Huante making some concepts, however it had been reported their was NEVER any actual Script but only a 10 Page Dossier about the Plot and Elements that would be seen. But then a few people had claimed they read Blomkamps Draft, which Cameron Claimed he had read.... yet Ridley Scott claimed there was NEVER no drafts.
The most likely reason for the Removal is simply that NO-PROJECT exists anymore, but it appears James Cameron is trying to drum up support for Blomkamps Canned Alien Project so time will tell.